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基于空芯光子晶体光纤(HCPCF)的在线法-珀标准件(ILFE)应变传感器的应变灵敏度高,对温度敏感系数小,其腔长可制作得比传统ILFE长,适于在一路光路中进行频分复用从而扩大多点应变检测的准分布应变传感系统的容量。理论分析了制作中提高基于空芯光子晶体光纤的在线法-珀应变传感器输出信号的方案,通过实例讨论了光源时间相干长度对该类法-珀腔腔长的限制。结合波分频分复用,进行了基于该复用方法的应变测试实验研究,实验结果表明,其测量精度可达±5με,可用于大型结构健康监测。 On-line Perot-Standard (ILFE) strain transducers based on hollow-core photonic crystal fibers (HCPCFs) have high strain sensitivity and low temperature sensitivity, and their cavity lengths can be made longer than conventional ILFE for use in a single optical path Frequency division multiplexing to expand the capacity of quasi-distributed strain sensing systems for multi-point strain sensing. The scheme of improving the output signal of the in-line Peripheral sensor based on the hollow-core photonic crystal fiber is theoretically analyzed. The limitation of the coherence length of the light source on the cavity length is discussed through examples. Combined with the WDM, a strain test based on this multiplexing method is carried out. The experimental results show that the measurement accuracy can be up to ± 5με, which can be used to monitor the health of large structures.
侯开嘉HOU KAIJIA1946年5月生于四川宜宾。四川大学艺术学院教授、硕士生导师,中国书协学术委员会委员,第三届中国书法“兰亭奖”评审委员,第十届全国书学研讨会评审委员,中
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摘要:会计电算化是以电子计算机为主的现代电子技术和信息技术应用到会计实物的简称。会计电算化解决了会计人员手工记帐的问题,实现了从凭证到帐本到报表一体化的过程。它能促进会计职能转变,提高财务水平。  关键词:医院 会计电算化 一体化    一 、医院会计电算化现状  1、各种会计电算化的业务形式不同(单项及多项业务电算化)  目前某些不发达地区以及县乡医院的帐务处理中仅受限于用计算机替代手工处理某项
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