房管局里买假房 十二万元“该谁赔”

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十二万元买假房,赢了官司没得钱 1999年12月7日,郑州市消费者陈振夫妇和一位自称叫“陈德林”的房主,持房产证、身份证等相关证件,到郑州市房地产管理局询问私房交易事项。该局市场管理处交易科的同志对房产证、身份证进行查验后说:“该房可以交易。”遂给了双方各一份交易程序。 12月10日,陈振夫妇和“陈德林”一块儿到郑州市房管局私房交易科进行交易。双方商定的交易价为12万元。由于 120,000 yuan to buy holiday homes, won the lawsuit did not have the money December 7, 1999, Zhengzhou City, consumers Zhen Zhen and a couple claiming to be “Chen Delin” homeowners, holding real estate license, ID card and other related documents, Zhengzhou Real Estate Authority to ask private transactions. The Bureau of Marketing Management Branch of the comrades on the property card, ID card after inspection said: “The room can be traded.” Then gave each a transaction process. December 10, Chen Zhen couples and “Chen Delin” together to the Zhengzhou City Housing Authority Private Transaction Section transactions. The agreed transaction price is 120,000 yuan. due to
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两个没有投入使用的电话空号,却在一个星期内有了234万元的国际长途记录。 Two did not put into use the phone number, but in a week with 2.34 million international l
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两名无辜少女,一个被硫酸毁容,一个被炸药炸死。悲剧发生前,她们都曾经求救过司法机关 Two innocent girls, one by sulfuric acid disfigurement, one was killed by explo