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北京动物园西南角有一片碧绿的湖面,犹如翠绿的宝石,光可鉴人;湖面上可见成群的鸳鸯,很招人喜欢。突然,一只小鸟儿贴近水面展翅翱翔,它的头颈极力向前,身上羽毛根根竖立,一双翅膀努力张开,不停地挥舞,犹如奥运赛场上百米冲刺的运动员,奋力拼搏,不屈不挠。这一美景吸引了我,我立刻按下快门,留下这美丽的瞬间。当时是下午3点钟左右,我调整了快门优先级,快门速度设置为1/200秒,ISO感光设置为640,光圈使用了5.25,焦距为600毫米。机身使用的是佳能EOS-1D-X,镜头150-600mm。 The southwest corner of Beijing Zoo has a green lake, like a green gem, light can be seen; the lake can be seen in groups of mandarin ducks, it is lovable. Suddenly, a bird flew close to the water to spread its wings. Its head and neck strove forward with its feather roots erected. A pair of wings worked hard to open and kept waving like a 100-meter sprint athlete in the Olympic arena to work hard and indomitable . This beauty attracted me, I immediately press the shutter, leaving this beautiful moment. At about 3pm, I adjusted the shutter priority. The shutter speed was set at 1/200 second, the ISO speed was set at 640, the aperture was used at 5.25, and the focal length was 600 mm. The body is used Canon EOS-1D-X, lens 150-600mm.
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个人的华丽,合作的精彩rn吴天琪 信息科学技术学院计算机系rn区别于北大所有的领导力课程,“职业规划与领导力发展”最吸引人的地方,莫过于全部演讲者都是我们的学长学姐.他