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大麻哈鱼属硬骨鱼纲、鲑形目、鲑科。地方名大马哈鱼。属名贵经济鱼类,肉质细腻味美,脂肪含量极丰富,营养价值极高。在众多大麻哈鱼家族中,有一种与众不同的幼鱼。其中一类被称为“降海型”的生态群体,不像其他大麻哈鱼那样在当年春季进行降海洄游,而是在淡水河流中生活一年后于第二年春季开始降海洄游;而另一类被称为“陆封型”的群体虽数量很少,约占整个群体的10%,他们终生不降海,在淡水中生长两年可性成熟,等待 Salmon is a bony fish, salmon-shaped head, salmonidae. Local name salmon. Is a precious economic fish, meat, delicate and delicate, extremely rich in fat, high nutritional value. Among the many salmon family, there is a distinctive juvenile. One of the groups, known as the “sea-lowering” ecosystem, did not migrate to the sea in the spring of the year, unlike other saltwater fish, but instead started to descend the sea the following year after living in the Tamsui River Migratory; and the other is known as “landfill ” although a small number of groups, accounting for about 10% of the entire population, they do not descend sea life, growth in freshwater for two years sexual maturity, waiting
1  冬天的第一场雪温柔地铺满整个校园的时候,苏小杭结识了宛顷,并因此与她仰慕的顾子凯开口说了第一句话:你好。  那是外教Jack在全校举办的一个有关圣诞的绘画比赛,苏小杭的画作被评为一等奖。小杭是个内秀的女孩,从不曾在公众面前大声地说过话,更别提上台发表获奖感言了。主持人宛顷在台上叫了许多遍她的名字,她都不肯站起。除了本班的同学,几乎没有人认识苏小杭。她在角落里坐着,周围人的环顾和私语让她愈发紧
Based on the theory of biological control of Saprolegnia ferax,antagonism test of nine strains of Bacillus sp. to S. ferax JL was carried out. Bacillus sp.BA1 w
Anti-lipopolysaccharide factors(ALFs) are basic components of the crustacean immune system that defend against a range of pathogens.The cDNA sequence of a new A
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他出生于金融世家,在中学读书时期,每逢礼拜天,这位年轻人没什么事可做,打弹子和看电影,几乎成了他中学时代消磨时光的最重要的娱乐活动。 He was born in a financial fami
南京大学校长陈骏教授给学生作了一场“全球变化与未来”的精彩演讲。  陈校长说,乞力马扎罗雪山逐渐消融,中非乍得湖日渐退缩;过去100年里,海平面平均上升10多厘米;我国已经连续经历16个暖冬,西藏林芝地区川藏公路以北的冰川每年后退萎缩达10米。2005年美国科学院发布警告:到2100年,全球气温可能在1990年的基础上上升1.4~5.8摄氏度;因气温升高造成的海平面上升可能达3英尺到4英尺。海平面
We evaluated the effects of supplemental coated and crystalline methionine(Met) on the growth performance and feed utilization of juvenile cobia(Rachycentron ca