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4月,是塔里木播种绿色的季节。4月,农一师人在138万亩棉田里播种着21世纪的希望。然而,从4月2日至28日,历史上罕见的沙尘暴、降雨、冰雹、霜冻交织的多发性自然灾害,却大面积袭击农一师各团场。沙尘暴所到之处,沙石随风满地走,遮天蔽日,摧枯拉朽,围墙訇然倒塌,电线杆拦腰折断,大树连根拔起;已经播种的棉田,地膜犹如条条白练,丝丝缕缕,漫天飘舞;各团场新推广应用的滴灌带,像一条条黑色的巨蟒,飞上树梢,挂上电线,随风游弋,景象凄惨;刚刚露土不到30%的棉苗,在低温、沙尘的双重夹击下。满目枯焦,用手轻轻一捻,就像莫合烟丝一样,顺着手指缝飘落,而那些还没有伸展叶片的棉苗,则像炒糊的豆芽菜;塑料大棚掀翻在地,瓜菜苗如同火燎,全部枯萎;正值盛花期的梨、杏等经济林,60%受损,叶片焦卷,落英满地……当全师26万职工群众会聚一个令旗下的时候,当千军万马奔赴抗灾第一线的时候,这支359旅的后裔,和父辈一样的英勇顽强。 April is Tarim green seasons. In April, a division of farmers in 138 acres of cotton fields planted in the 21st century hope. However, from April 2 to 28, the rare natural history-related natural disasters such as sandstorms, rainfall, hail and frost attacked various areas of Nongyizhi University on a large scale. Sandstorm wherever he went, the sand and stone go by the wind, cover the sun, the Cuikulaxiu, the walls suddenly collapsed, the bar down the waist broken, the tree uprooted; cotton fields have been sown, the film is like a white practice, the slightest Strands of sky, the sky floating; the new promotion of the drip irrigation zone with the band, like a black python, fly on the treetops, hanging wires, cruising the wind, the scene miserable; just less than 30% Under low temperature, sand and dust under the double attack. Eyes full of Jiaojiao, gently twist a hand, like Mo-tobacco, like finger down, and those who have not stretched the leaves of cotton seedlings, then fried bean paste sprouts; plastic shed thrown to the ground, melon seedlings As full of fire, all withered; at the peak of flowering pear, apricot and other economic forests, 60% damaged, leaves coke, falling all over the land ... ... When the whole division of 260,000 workers and staff gathered a command of the time, When the horse ran to the forefront of the disaster, the descendants of this 359 brigade were as valiant and heroic as their fathers.
目的 :探讨神经内科患者住院期间存在的安全隐患并提出相应的防范对策,确保患者住院期间的安全.方法 :分析我院2016年神经内科住院患者存在的安全隐患的原因,并于2017年制定
目的 :探讨护理干预在喉癌术后患者生活质量中的应用.方法 :选取我院于2016年2月-2018年4年收治的92例喉癌患者作为研究对象,采用随机分组的方法分为对照组和观察组,对照组实
目的 :分析预防性护理在骨创伤下肢深静脉血栓形成的应用效果.方法 :本次参与研究的骨科手术患者68例,纳入时间为2016年2月至2017年4月.依据护理模式差异性将所有患者均分两
目的 :探讨系统化护理在消化内科胃溃疡护理中的应用效果.方法 :选取2016年2月——2017年8月的消化内科胃溃疡患者90例,根据不同护理方法将其分为观察组与参照组每组各45例.
目的 :观察儿科病房护患沟通中人文关怀护理的应用效果.方法 :抽取我院儿科2017年1月 ~2018年3月期间收治的106例住院治疗患儿,平均分为对照组和观察组.对照组采用常规护理模
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