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中国有9亿人口在农村。以广大农民为主体,以村民自治为表现形式的基层民主建设,是“三个代表”重要思想的体现,也是21世纪中国稳步走向现代化的可靠保证。实行“组合竞选制”的村民自治是一条代价最小、最平稳的政治体制改革道路。同时,也是解决当前农村各种矛盾、实现社会团结的有效选择。走向民主政治在中国走向现代化的过程中,国家与乡村的关系问题是一个十分重要而敏感的问题。在新中国成立之初,有的地方曾经出现过村人民政府。但是,1954年《宪法》规定,全国政府机构由中央省(直辖市、自治区)、县乡组成。1956年建立高级农业生产合作社,高级社成为乡(镇)下属的一个机构。1958年成立政社合一的人民公社、生产 China has 900 million people in rural areas. The construction of grass-roots democracy with the majority of peasants as the mainstay and the villager autonomy as its manifestation is the embodiment of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and is also a credible guarantee that China will steadily move towards modernization in the 21st century. Villagers’ autonomy, which implements the “combined election system,” is the lowest-cost and most stable path of political reform. At the same time, it is also an effective solution to all kinds of current contradictions in rural areas and social solidarity. Towards Democracy In the process of China’s modernization, the issue of the relationship between the state and the country is a very important and sensitive issue. At the beginning of the founding of New China, there were some people in the village government. However, the Constitution of 1954 stipulated that the national government agencies should be composed of central provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) and counties and townships. In 1956, a high-level agricultural cooperative was established, and the advanced society became an institution under the township (town). In 1958 the establishment of political and social unity people’s commune, production
一刘师培的思想行状复杂而多变 ,但学术精湛。他在政治上曾屡次失足 ,在生前其品行已为时人所不齿 ,而对他的学术贡献和成就 ,评价却始终一流。在 2 0世纪的中国学者中 ,以 3
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