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为了了解小麦在不利气候条件下的灌浆机理,改善湖北小麦的产量与品质状况,作者以三种粒型小麦品种(系)为材料,研究了籽粒胚乳细胞增殖动态及其与体积和粒重的关系。结果表明,用Richards方程能较好地模拟胚乳细胞增殖动态。不同品种间胚乳细胞数有明显的差异,表现为大粒饱满品种(鄂恩1号)>大粒不饱满品系(95A-10)>小粒饱满品种(华麦8号)。强势粒胚乳细胞分裂起始势高,达到最高增殖速率时间短,活跃分裂期长,可分裂出更多的胚乳细胞。弱势粒胚乳细胞增殖起始势低,细胞分裂速率变化缓慢,其最终胚乳细胞数显著低于强势粒。多元统计分析表明,决定籽粒体积大小的主要是胚乳细胞数和单个胚乳细胞大小,决定粒重大小的主要是胚乳细胞数和单个细胞重。 In order to understand the grain filling mechanism of wheat under unfavorable climatic conditions and improve the yield and quality of wheat in Hubei Province, the author studied the dynamic changes of grain endosperm cell proliferation and its relationship with the volume and grain weight of three grain type wheat cultivars (lines) relationship. The results show that Richards equation can well simulate the endosperm cell proliferation. There were significant differences in the number of endosperm cells among different cultivars. The results showed that there were significant differences in the number of endosperm cells among different cultivars (E’en 1)> undergradant (95A-10)> full grain (Huamai 8). Strong grain endosperm cell division starting high potential to reach the highest proliferation rate of time is short, long active division can divide more endosperm cells. The weak start of endosperm cell proliferation of weak-endosperm, cell division rate changes slowly, the final endosperm cell number was significantly lower than the strong grain. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the main determinant of grain size was the number of endosperm cells and the size of a single endosperm cell. The major determinants of the size of the grain were the number of endosperm cells and the weight of individual cells.
目的 在临床上,研究对维持性血液透析患者采取早期护理干预的方案进行护理后的价值.方法 选取本院维持性血液透析患者,例数合计为200例,选取时间范围是2016.5.1日到2017.5.1
2014年年底,浙江提出特色小镇的概念。连续两年,“特色小镇”成为浙江各级政府工作报告中的热词和媒体关注的焦点。如今,不止在浙江,在全国范围内,特色小镇都在以迅猛发展的姿态,加入到方兴未艾的新型城镇化建设中来。  近日,住房和城乡建设部(以下简称住建部)等三部委提出,到2020年,在全国培育约1000个特色小镇。在深入推进新型城镇化建设的大背景下,如何看待各地特色小镇的迅速发展?在经济发展新常态下
目的 提高椎间盘突出合并椎体后缘骨质异常的CT诊断。方法 共收集56例腰椎间盘突出合并椎体后缘骨质异常病例的X线和CT材料。结果 椎体后缘骨质异常包括以下几种,椎体后缘软骨
As the ASIC design cost becomes affordable only for very large-scale productions, the FPGA technology is currently becoming the leading technology for those app
目的 旨在明确肺结核X线分类中两型合并的分类。方法 本文收集临床、肺结核细菌学和常规胸片确诊的肺结核10 0 0例 ,进行X线分类的探讨。结果 X线分类 ,原发型 2 14例 ,合