Influence of shape anisotropy on microwave complex permeability in carbonyl iron flakes/epoxy resin

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wowo925
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To explore the mechanism of carbonyl iron flake composites for microwave complex permeability, this paper investigates the feature of the flakes. The shape anisotropy was certified by the results of the magnetization hysteresis loops and the Mssbauer spectra. Furthermore, the shape anisotropy was used to explain the origin of composite microwave performance, and the calculated results agree with the experiment. It is believed that the shape anisotropy dominates microwave complex permeability, and the natural resonance plays main role in flake. To explore the mechanism of carbonyl iron flake composites for microwave complex permeability, this paper investigates the feature of the flakes. The shape anisotropy was certified by the results of the magnetization hysteresis loops and the M  ssbauer spectra. Furthermore, the shape anisotropy was used to explain the origin of composite microwave performance, and the calculated results agree with the experiment. It is believed that the shape anisotropy dominates microwave complex permeability, and the natural resonance plays the main role in flake.
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【摘要】历史教学要启发学生思维,激发学生思想,引导学生活学历史,改变传统教学模式,提高学生思维能力,解决问题的能力,重分析,把握课改精神,培养学生挑战历史的能力,追求历史真相的好习惯。  【关键词】激发思想 思维模式 分析能力 解决能力 课改精神  【中图分类号】G42 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1006—5962(2012)09(a)—0072—01  马克思曾言,最大的快乐是思考。我想,马
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