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  1. Men’s for meat explains why men have more cases than women when it comes to high cholesterol, the study said.
  A. priority B. preference
  C. option D. selection
  2. It’s generally thought that good in medicine and surgery means less disease and less deformity.
  A. technique B. method
  C. skill D. procedure
  3. The film is not well received because the plot of it relies too much on to be realistic.
  A. accident B. relationship
  C. coincidence D. agreement
  4. He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a member of staff.
  A. endless B. lasting
  C. constant D. permanent
  5. Taro finally came to the conclusion that he should be in order to survive in the American society.
  A. energetic B. aggressive
  C. hostile D. defensive
  6. Some women might seem physically, yet behind their soft faces are strong wills of their own.
  A. fragile B. slight
  C. tough D. crisp
  7. The economists an increase in the rate of inflation,which made the public upset.
  A. forecast B. calculated
  C. expected D. predicted
  8. I wonder how he could manage to himself of that secret since everyone didn’t give it away.
  A. control B. possess
  C. occupy D. maintain
  9. I think you probably know that China has a flexible policy in her foreign trade.
  A. adopted B. assumed
  C. approved D. adjusted
  10. The air hostess the passengers not to panic when the plane was in the turbulence and was shaking.
  A. turned to B. led to
  C. appealed to D. stuck to
  11. After her release from prison, Judy promised that she would go straight in future.
  A. heartily B. reliably
  C. frankly D. faithfully
  12. We certainly need the money, but I don’t want to rely too much on your generosity.
  A. on the other hand B. on the contrary
  C. on one hand D. on hand
  13. The pop singer canceled his concert scheduled for tonight because the can not pay him the money he asked for.
  A. champion B. sponsor
  C. supervisor D. promoter
  14. As is expected, teachers are encouraged to take measures to lighten the of the students at school.
  A. weight B. charge
  C. load D. goods
  15. After the earthquake, many people gave away their money to their sympathy for the people of the disaster-stricken areas.
  A. deliver B. communicate   C. transport D. convey
  16. People admire poets very much because they are the very special ones who can ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing.
  A. transfer B. transform
  C. transplant D. translate
  17. We should bring our essay to a conclusion so that our tutor can understand our definite meaning.
  A. abstract B. concrete
  C. solid D. special
  18. Upon reaching a(an) age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave the nest”.
  A. correct B. suitable
  C. appropriate D. fit
  19. Whether they you or you like them, advertisements in their various forms have already pervasively passed through our lives.
  A. annoy B. joke
  C. tease D. bother
  20. In 1991, China began to the old-age insurance system in some of the rural areas and since then it has been carried on all through the country.
  A. run out B. work out
  C. try out D. take out
  21. Married women were forbidden by law to watch, compete, in the ancient Olympics.
  A. let alone B. let out
  C. let in D. let off
  22. In modern society, it is common that people are under pressure and it is affecting their health greatly.
  A. eventually B. lastly
  C. repeatedly D. constantly
  23. Our students are looking for an equal with whom they can communicate.
  A. in general B. in particular
  C. in vain D. in short
  24. Observation, reason and experiment what we call the scientific method.
  A. make up B. make into
  C. make out D. make off
  25. Women who dare choose a career in the sciences or in math are likely to experience
  from their male colleagues, as well as from the community at large.
  A. envy B. influence
  C. jealousy D. prejudice
  26. The of the government’s official limits on pay increases has opened the flood gates for a rush of demands for higher wages.
  A. withdrawal B. separation
  C. removal D. departure
  27. The government insists that in no ways should the officials be allowed to power for personal gains.
  A. abuse B. afford
  C. accept D. affect
  28. The White House says President Obama stated his strong wish to work together with others to global economic recovery and fight climate change.
  A. strengthen B. build
  C. restore D. adopt
  29. If the engine driver had seen the signal, the rear-ended accident could have been avoided.   A. unnatural B. irregular
  C. uncommon D. abnormal
  30. Despite their anti-American rhetoric(言论), the government is privately trying to maintain good relations with the U. S.
  A. strong B. difficult
  C. tough D. steady
  31. Though tobacco brings happiness to those who smoke, what is dangerous is that smokers are likely to be .
  A. accustomed B. addicted
  C. devoted D. absorbed
  32. the discomfort,all the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met.
  A. In spite of B. In case of
  C. In need of D. In terms of
  33. When he first arrived in England, he found it somewhat difficult to the ways of the English.
  A. get into B. get off
  C. get out D. get away
  34. Few people know the fact that failure frees one to because there is less to lose.
  A. take drugs B. take chances
  C. take risks D. take measures
  35. Henry decided to his post when he found one of his juniors had been promoted over his head.
  A. end B. stop
  C. quit D. pause
  36. our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library, otherwise you’ll be punished.
  A. Due to B. Owing to
  C. Thanks to D. According to
  37. It is still in question whether a can of coke could stop thirst but there is no doubt that it can make one .
  A. restored B. renewed
  C. rebuilt D. refreshed
  38. Thousands and thousands of people attended the grand ceremony, with ages from 5 to 100.
  A. varying B. changing
  C. ranging D. rating
  39. It took a lot of hard work and clever planning for him to his business up to where it is today.
  A. build up B. take up
  C. go up D. rise up
  40. But please keep in mind that too much sunbathing damages the skin rather than does any good to you. You might skin cancer.
  A. keep up with B. put up with
  C. catch up with D. end up with
  41. As is known to all Chinese, peace and development across the Taiwan Straits represent the of the times.
  A. tendency B. trend
  C. course D. movement
  42. I’m overworked at the moment — I’ve taken on too much .
  A. contribution B. presentation
  C. disagreement D. commitment
  43. Generally speaking, every natural , will deal a blow to the country’s economy.
  A. flood B. catastrophe
  C. drought D. famine
  44. His wife is very particular about dress and she is strongly against wearing clothes on formal occasions.   A. casual B. serious
  C. formal D. usual
  45. It seems that less and less girls prefer
  height men to tall men when they hunt for their boyfriends.
  A. common B. average
  C. ordinary D. general
  46. The rising cost of labor has greatly increased the cost of shipping goods by water.
  A. slightly B. simply
  C. steadily D. suddenly
  47. Live within your income, you have to borrow money to do so.
  A. as if B. what if
  C. if only D. even if
  48. As he became more experienced, and applied himself to his writing, he was able to take months years to complete his novels.
  A. other than B. rather than
  C. more than D. better than
  49. Those economists studied the local market to find the there for profitable investment.
  A. promise B. potential
  C. program D. preparation
  50. There are many ways to impress people and one of them is sincere and good praise.
  A. persuasion B. introduction
  C. appreciation D. acknowledgement
  51. It’s all agreed that a good education doesn’t a good job and so many students give up their opportunity to go to university.
  A. depend B. swear
  C. guarantee D. result
  52. The government official are warmed that on the problem of choosing cadres(干部) they should never people by favoritism.
  A. name B. appoint
  C. assign D. employ
  53. It is known that the weight of an object , from place to place on the earth.
  A. exchanges B. varies
  C. translates D. ranges
  54. It’s too early to the project’s success for it has only been under way for three months.
  A. calculate B. equip
  C. explore D. evaluate
  55. Let’s not waste a second on wishful thinking or useless regrets. Life really is too short.
  A. precious B. unique
  C. valuable D. priceless
  56. There are approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students.
  A. fundamental B. accurate
  C. original D. diverse
  57. We all agree that we could not be fair to every student. However, we should try our best to achieve it.
  A. totally B. completely
  C. absolutely D. entirely
  58. Videos,recordings and other learning aids are usually used textbooks in language learning.
  A. alongside B. except for
  C. in spite of D. in addition to
  59. He his office window and got a wonderful view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.
  A. look at B. glance through
  C. look into D. glance at
  60. Hundreds of buildings have been pulled down to for the famous Wuhan Central Cultural District.
  A. make their way B. make out
  C. make way D. make away
1. It was careless of us .(forget)  忘了锁门,我们真是太大意了。  2. In such bad weather, Tom  rather than go out for playing. (prefer)  在这么糟糕的天气里,汤姆宁愿呆在家里,也不愿意出去玩。  3. They hurried to the station only . (leave)  他
A  The Voice of America began during the World WarⅡ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international 1 , American officials believed they should 2 the German broadcast with words th
1. It is no use about this. (argue)  跟他争论这个没有用。  2. When they got back home, they found they . (leave)  当他们回到家,发现他们让水一直流着。  3. With , the newly elected president smiled happily. (settle)  带着很多需要解决的问题,
1. I (不知道) whether he can spare some time to help me. (idea)  我不知道他是否能抽空帮我。  2. I read about it in some book or other; does it matter ? (which)  我在某本书上读过这个,是哪一本有关系吗?  3. It seems . (as)  看起来好像要下雨了。  4
A  Job was not a brilliant man, yet he taught me about the essence of a “real man”. He 1 for work on time and he loved only one woman—his wife, Molly. He loved me as his very own grandchild, 2 he was
1. Mr Wu seldom visits my house. , I’ll let you know. (once)  吴先生很少来我家。一旦他来了,我会告诉你。  2. I think that you are younger (比你看上去). (look)  我觉得你比你看上去年轻。  3. , he can’t lift the heavy stone. (as)  尽管他很强壮,他还是
1. He is the only one of the teachers . (know)  他是唯一懂俄语的老师。  2. He is one of the students . (fond)  他是唯一喜爱流行音乐的学生。  3. Let’s go to the main teaching building, stands the school library. (back)  我们去主教学
1. You should send him an e-mail. . (sooner)  你应该给他发封邮件。越快越好。  2. Copernicus that he published it only before he died. (cautious)  哥白尼对这个结论如此地慎重,以至于他在去世前才公布。  3. him when I realized that I had seen hi
A  A high school history teacher once told us, “If you make one close friend in school, you will be most fortunate. A 1 friend is someone who stays with you for life”. 2 teaches that he was right. Goo
1. Father asked me to go and see my grandma in the country, and (我便去了). (so)  爸爸要我去乡下看望奶奶,于是我便去了。  2. — Jane answered the teacher’s question very well.  — . (so)  ——简很好地回答了老师的问题。  ——的确如此。  3. Karl Mar