Variation characteristics of temperature and moisture content of seasonal frozen soil during freezin

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m83692590
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In China,seasonal frozen soil is widely distributed.The freezing damage of subgrade soil in Jilin Province has been one of major engineering geological problems troubling the safety of road,in which some common damage phenomena,such as frost heave,subsidence deformation and frost boiling,are all caused by water translocation.Aiming at the phenomenon,the changes of moisture content of seasonal frozen soil in Changchun City are mainly studied by long-term field observation and indoor testing of physical properties under different conditions,and then the variation characteristics of moisture content in soil under different compactness and temperature conditions are realized.The results show that the increasing section of moisture content and negative temperature section all lie in 0.0-1.0 m of subgrade.Both lowest air and earth temperature occur in January to February,and the most negative temperature ranges from-7 ℃ to-10 ℃. In China, seasonal frozen soil is widely distributed. The freezing damage of subgrade soil in Jilin Province has been one of major engineering geological problems troubling the safety of road, in which some common damage phenomena, such as frost heave, subsidence deformation and frost boiling , all are caused by water translocation. Aiming at the phenomenon, the changes of moisture content of seasonal frozen soil in Changchun City are mainly studied by long-term field observation and indoor testing of physical properties under different conditions, and then the variation characteristics of moisture content in soil under different compactness and temperature conditions are The.The results show that the increasing section of moisture content and negative temperature section all lie in 0.0-1.0 m of subgrade.Both lowest air and earth temperature occur in January to February, and the most negative temperature ranges from-7 ° C to-10 ° C.
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