
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snoopy10222001
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A novel 3D metal-organic coordination polymer Pb(1,4-napdc)(DMF) (1,4-napdc=naphthalene-1,4-dicarboxylate) was synthesized at room temperature using slow vapor diffusion method to grow single crystal that has been analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The crystal belongs to orthorhombic with space group P212121. The unit cell parameters are as fellows: a=0.701 3(2) nm, b=1.407 6(3) nm, c=1.521 5(4) nm, V=1.501 8(6) nm3 and Z=4. In the crystal structure of Pb(1,4-napdc)(DMF), the square grids constructed with paddle-wheel units of Pb(Ⅱ) and 1,4-napdc links stack over each other to generate infinite 3D network, which has square apertures (1.158 × 1.158 nm2) along the crystallographic a-axis. The thermal stability of compound was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. CCDC: 293617. A novel 3D metal-organic coordination polymer Pb (1,4-napdc) (DMF) (1,4-napdc = naphthalene-1,4-dicarboxylate) was synthesized at room temperature using slow vapor diffusion method to grow single crystal that has The unit belongs to orthorhombic with space group P212121. The unit cell parameters are as fellows: a = 0.701 3 (2) nm, b = 1.407 6 (3) nm, c = 1.521 5 ) nm, V = 1.501 8 (6) nm3 and Z = 4. In the crystal structure of Pb (1,4-napdc) (DMF), the square grids constructed with paddle-wheel units of Pb The thermal stability of compound was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. CCDC: 293617.
芦笋优良品种具有高产、抗病、质优等特点。根据其生长特点和芦笋种植经验,拟定出以下栽培规程。一、育苗 1.整地施肥:选择土壤疏松,肥水条件好,透气性强的壤土或沙土。深翻4
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