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古往今来,爱书者甚多,如何爱书却不尽相同。作家冯骥才有摸书的习惯,他说,闲时从书架上抽几本新新旧旧的书翻翻、看看、摸摸就是一种享受,读过的和未读过的都是一样。读过的书诚如旧友,见了面握一握手,无言对望,有时比寒暄更能交流情感;而未读过的书就像一扇门不轻易打开,里面永远充满诱惑,更有一种神秘的快感。他认为书有时未必非得去读,人与书的境界是超越读。公刘说:“书香是弥漫干这个可爱可恼的地球上惟一令我迷醉的气息。”古人云:茶也醉人何必酒,书能香我不须花。由此可见,自古至今,书成了许多知识分子和读书人的精神寄托和生活的希望。书中有知识,知识就是力量。然而叶灵凤却有自己独到的体悟:“真正的爱书家和藏书家,他必须是一个在广阔的人生道路上学遍了哀乐,而后才走入这种狭隘的嗜好以 Since ancient times, many people love the book, how to love the book is not the same. Writer Feng Jijian has the habit of touching books. He said that when he was busy, he dumped several new old and new old books from the bookshelf to look over and see. Touch is a kind of enjoyment. Both reading and unread are the same. A book that has been read is as old as a friend. When you see a hand shake, you are speechless and sometimes communicate more than greetings. Unread books are like a door that does not open easily. There is always temptation, and more Mysterious pleasure. He believes that sometimes the book may not have to read, the realm of man and book is beyond reading. Gong Liu said: ”Book fragrance is diffuse dry this cute annoying earth the only breath I am intoxicated.“ ”Ancients Yun: Tea is also intoxicating Why wine, I can not afford the book to spend. Thus, since ancient times, the book has become the spiritual sustenance and hope of life of many intellectuals and scholars. The book has knowledge, knowledge is power. However, Ye Ling-feng has his own unique understanding: "The true love of calligrapher and bibliophile, he must be a way of life in the broad knowledge of sorrow, and then into this narrow hobby
诗歌鉴赏是行家里手的事,但诗歌尤其是中国古代诗歌的美却是不争的事实。中学生学习文化必须从古诗入手,对中国文化的内涵才会有更全面的了解。中 Appreciation of poetry i
微笑是绵绵春雨,滋润枯竭的心灵;微笑是夏日凉风,吹出生命的美丽;微笑是冬日阳光,照亮前进的道路。  我是一个很普通的学生,普通的外貌,普通的成绩,在来来往往的人群里,没有人会注意我。一节语文课上,老师问我:“小芳,你能用‘迫不及待’说一个句子吗?”“能。”我的声音小得连我自己也听不清。终于说完了,我的脸通红通红的。我慢慢抬起头,看见了老师阳光般的微笑。后来,老师又陆续叫我回答问题,我努力回答到完美
不久前,收到了解放军报新闻函授中心教务处寄来的结业证书。手捧鲜红的证书,回想一年来的学习历程,心中感慨颇多。 Not long ago, they received the graduation certificate f
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