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一、本省公路虽经历年整修,除少数线路较坚实外,大部质量仍差,加之日常管理下严,养护不善与今秋的雨水冲刷,各线路均遭到不同种的损毁,这就严重地影响着交通运输顺畅,为了响应中央「增加生产、增加收入、厉行节约、紧缩开支、超额完成国家计划」的号召,扩大物资交流,提高交通运输效率,本中央政务院一九五一年颁布之民工整修公路的暂行规定,根据本省公路的实际情况,制定本办二、这次整修公路必须本节约的精神,根据实际需要与可能的条件,确定重点整修一般维持的方针,严格遵守整修计划,结合当前中心任务,发动与组织群众进行之。并须在动用民工控制数字内,积极提高工作效率,以求最大地节省工数。三、这次整修公路以路基土方(包括简易石方)与路面砂石之采 First, despite the years of renovation of the highway in our province, with the exception of a few lines, the quality of most of the roads is still poor. In addition, due to strict daily management, poor maintenance and the rainwater rains this autumn, various lines have been damaged in different ways. Affecting the smooth flow of transportation. In response to the Central Government’s call for “increasing production, increasing revenue, practicing economy, tightening expenses and surpassing the completion of the state plan,” expanding the exchange of materials and improving the efficiency of transportation, the Central People’s Government promulgated by the Central Government Council in 1951 According to the actual needs and possible conditions, to determine the focus of the general renovation of the maintenance of the principle of strict compliance with the renovation plan, combined with the actual situation of the provincial highway to develop the Second, the renovation of the highway must be the spirit of conservation, according to actual needs and possible conditions, The current center task, mobilize and organize the masses to carry out. They must also actively improve their work efficiency by using the control figures of migrant workers so as to save the greatest number of workers. Third, the renovation of the road to subgrade earthwork (including simple stone) and road gravel mining
At the mention of Suzhou, people usually think of bridges spanning flowing water, elegant classical gardens, rich Wu culture, soft silk, a unique dialect, and