
来源 :今古传奇(故事版月末版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:strongit_likai
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晴天遇霹雳,夜半逢妖风,不免惹得你怒骂一句“这鬼天气”。其实,这确实是“怪”在作祟呦!乾隆五十年秋天,浙江地区发生了大旱灾。于是,村民们举行祈雨仪式。不久,乌云翻滚来到山前。可是不一会儿,炎旱魃天空却布满红光,云气纷纷散去,雨一滴也没有落下。此时,在山中猎虎的兄弟二人,看见一个全身通红的独脚妖怪从石洞中跳了出来。只见它张嘴向空中呼出一口 Sunny day Perak, the night half of the demon wind, can not help but provoke you curse one “This ghost weather ”. In fact, this is indeed “strange ” in trouble Yo! Fifty years of Qianlong fall, a major drought in Zhejiang. As a result, the villagers held a prayer ceremony. Soon, the clouds rolled to the front of the mountain. However, a short while later, the sky of drought and drought was full of red light and the cloud of air had dispersed and the drop of rain did not fall. At this moment, two brothers who hunt tigers in the mountains saw a red-eyed monogamous monster jumped out of the cave. I saw it mouth open to the air exhaled
英国《太阳报》曾以“什么样的人最快乐”为题,举办了一次有奖征答活动,从应征的八万多封来信中评出四个最佳答案:1.作品刚刚完成,吹着口哨欣赏自己作品的艺术家; The “Sun
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俗心人人有。俗心时时灭。少年时看《真假美猴王》,当时只觉精彩,多年后咀嚼,嚼出了深味。真悟空和假悟空,从观音菩萨到天宫玉帝到地府阎王,谁都分不清真假,最后,还是如来 O
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