
来源 :中学生英语读写(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:txl8909
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单价 unit price降价 lowering the price原价 original price买价 buying price估价 estimated price新价 new price要价 asking a price;charge Unit price unit price price lowering the price original price buying price buying price valuation estimated price new price new price asking asking a price;charge
第Ⅰ卷(共110分)I.Listening ComprehensionPart A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A,you will hear ten short conversations betweentwo speakers.At the end o
It’s unfair William:I heard Mr.Robert died.Are you going to take part in hisfuneral(葬礼)? Nick:No,of course not. William:Why not? As we know,you are good fri
纵观历年高考试题,许多考点倍受命题者的青睐,同一考点,命题人会从不同角度命题考查。这些考点应当引起注意。1.a)I remember__this used to be a quiet village.(NMET’93)
1.英语会话中使用次数最多的单词是“I”,使用最多的字母是“E”,使用最少的字母是“Z”。 2.英语中用法最多的词是set,它作名词有58种用法,作动词有126种用法,作形容词有15
我国古代没有桌椅,室内先铺筵,然后再放上席。筵较宽大,故用来铺地。席比较细小是给人坐的(跟现代的椅垫和蒲团差不多)。古人入室,先脱鞋,然后通过筵坐在席上。现在日本人 I
Once there was a fish seller who was fond of arguing with others. On a summer day he carried a load of fish and arrived at a teahouse.He heard the storyteller
Son:Why do people call their ownlanguage their mother tongue? Mother:Because their fathers seldomget a chance to use it.Guest:Can you give me a room and a Son
New York(Reuters Health)——Want to loweryour risk of having heart attack? Drink more water,and less of everything else,new research reports. New York (Reuter
(一) One day in September we were doing repair work on my parents’oldhouse to get it ready for my youngest daughter’s wedding.We had to 1 agreat climbing pla