Seasonal export fluxes of size-fractionated particulate derived from polonium-210: A case study in X

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:toneygao
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Size-fractionated 210Po and 210Pb, in the size fractions >0.4 μm, >2 μm and >10 μm, were examined to determine the seasonal variability of particulate fluxes in Xiamen Bay. Good correlations between 210Po and particulate organic carbon (POC) or non-Particulate Organic Matter (nPOM) suggested that 210Po can be used to trace the export fluxes of POC and nPOM. Both steady-state (SS) model and nSS model were used to evaluate fluxes of size-fractionated 210Po, results showed that nSS model was better than the SS model in coastal areas. Based on the nSS model, size-fractionated POC fluxes decreased with increasing particle size. For the particle size studied, maximum POC fluxes occurred in autumn, followed by spring, winter, and summer. Fluxes of nPOM were an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding size-fractionated POC fluxes. Differences between size-fractionated nPOM fluxes indicated that hydrodynamic conditions were the main factor regulating transportation of particulate out of the inner Bay. In winter most particulates, including >10 μm particles, were transported under the strongest hydrodynamic conditions. In contrast, only a fraction of the <2 μm particulates were transported from the inner Bay in spring. This study suggested that 210Po is a powerful tracer of seasonal particulate export in coastal seas. Size-fractionated 210Po and 210Pb, in the size fractions> 0.4 μm,> 2 μm and> 10 μm, were examined to determine the seasonal variability of particulate fluxes in Xiamen Bay. Good correlations between 210 Po and particulate organic carbon (POC) or non Both the steady-state (SS) model and the nSS model were used to evaluate fluxes of size-fractionated 210 Po, results showed that n SS model (nPOM) suggested that 210 Po can be used to trace the export fluxes of POC and nPOM was better than the SS model in coastal areas. Based on the nSS model, size-fractionated POC fluxes decreased with increasing particle size. of nPOM were an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding size-fractionated POC fluxes. Differences between size-fractionated nPOM fluxes indicated that hydrodynamic conditions were the main factor regulating transportation of particulate out of the inner Bay. In winter most particulates, including> 10 μm particles, were transported under the strongest hydrodynamic conditions. In contrast, only a fraction of the <2 μm particulates were transported from the inner Bay in spring. This study suggests that 210 Po is a powerful tracer of seasonal particulate export in coastal seas.
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