Calculation of power consumption and induced heat for EMC aluminum ingots

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gnbsr
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The electrical parameters and power consumption in electromagnetic casting of aluminum ingots were calculated and discussed in detail. Moreover, the induced heat was calculated with the eddy current within the liquid column. It is found that the calculated values agree with the measured results. Once the inductor current was given, the magnetic flux density in electromagnetic casting could be calculated and the electromagnetic pressure could be obtained. The key to the EMC is the balance between the electromagnetic pressure and the metallostatic pressure. As the liquid column, controlled by the casting speed and pouring speed through a magnetic sensor, is kept away from the inductor, a gap forms linear relationship between the inductor and ingot. The bigger the current is, the smaller the ingot size is.[ The electrical parameters and power consumption in electromagnetic casting of aluminum ingots were calculated and discussed in detail. Moreover, the induced heat was calculated with the eddy current within the liquid column. It the found that the calculated values ​​agree with the measured results. The key to the EMC is the balance between the electromagnetic pressure and the metallostatic pressure. As the liquid column, controlled by the casting speed and pouring speed through a magnetic sensor, is kept away from the inductor, a gap forms linear relationship between the inductor and the ingot. The bigger the current is, the smaller the ingot size is. [
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