冷战时期,为了保护对北约集团生命攸关的波罗的海海峡不受威胁,联邦德国与丹麦王国在1962年联合组建了一个陆军集团军,成为北约内部最早建立的多国部队中的一支。 20世纪90年代初,德国统一后,曾就该集团军是否有必要继续存在产生过争论。1994年,北约盟军欧洲最高司令与德国、丹麦两国的国防部长举行会晤时签署了一份新的谅解备忘录,重申了保留这支联军的必要性。1997年,德国、丹麦和波兰的国防部长在会晤中商定要在原有基础上组建三国联合集团军,并随后各自派出军方代表成立了一个工作小组,具体磋商有关未来联合集团军的职能、编制、训练、指挥等一系列问题。1999年波兰加入北约后,经上报北约理事会、北约军事委员会和北约盟军
During the Cold War, in order to protect the Baltic Strait vital to the NATO group from threats, the German and Danish kingdoms jointly formed an army group army in 1962, becoming one of the first multinational forces established within NATO. After the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s, there was controversy over the necessity of continued existence of the Army. In 1994, the NATO allied European Supreme Commander met with the defense ministers of Germany and Denmark and signed a new memorandum of understanding to reiterate the necessity of preserving this coalition. In 1997, the defense ministers of Germany, Denmark and Poland agreed at the meeting to set up the joint tripartite Army of the three countries on the old basis and subsequently set up a working group respectively with their respective military representatives to conduct specific consultations on the functions of the future United Army and to formulate and train , Command and a series of questions. After Poland joined NATO in 1999, it reported to the NATO Council, the NATO Armed Services Committee and the NATO Allied Forces