
来源 :语数外学习(高中语文教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqgomqj
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纵观近三年河北省的高考诗词鉴赏题目,其问题的设置都是对诗词中作者情感的解析——或是问景物描写对诗词感情抒发的作用?或是问某些句子表现了词中人物什么样的情感?或是问整首诗词表现了作者什么样的情感?可见,解读古诗词中蕴含的情感是诗词鉴赏乃是文学鉴赏的重中之重。情感是诗词的灵魂。在鉴赏诗词时,如果能够批文入情,抓住情感这条线,读懂和理解诗词的难度便会大大降低。下面笔者来谈一下“批文入情”的一般方法。 Looking at the subject of appreciation of poetry in the college entrance examination of Hebei Province in the past three years, the questions are set to analyze the emotions of the writers in the poetry--either to ask the effect of the scene description on the emotion of the poem or to express certain words in some sentences. What kind of emotion does the character have? Or does the whole poem express what kind of emotions the author has? Visible, the interpretation of the emotions contained in the ancient poetry is the appreciation of poetry is the most important thing in literary appreciation. Emotion is the soul of poetry. When appreciating poetry, if you can approve the text and grasp the line of emotion, the difficulty in reading and understanding the poetry will be greatly reduced. Let’s talk about the general method of “approval of documents”.
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