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群众文化,尤其是处于最基层也是最广泛意义上的乡村群众文化,是打造文化强国、实现中华民族文化复兴的主要内容。毛主席曾经说过,群众文化也就是工农兵文化,劳苦大众文化,就是革命的文化。习近平总书记也提出,为最广大人民群众服务,是文艺工作者的神圣使命。中国是个农业大国,农民大国,乡村农民占了中国人口的绝大多数,乡村群众就是最广大人民群众的主体部分。如何做好新时期的乡村群众文化,为社会主义新农村建设服务,实现农村文化大发展大繁荣?这里以缙云县壶镇镇湖川村为例,谈谈如何做好新时期的乡村群众文化工作。 Mass culture, especially the mass culture of the countryside in the most basic and broadest sense, is the main content of building a cultural power and rejuvenating the Chinese nation. Chairman Mao once said that the mass culture is also the worker-peasant-army culture and the labor-hard mass culture, that is, the revolutionary culture. General Secretary Xi Jinping also pointed out that it is the sacred mission of literary workers to serve the broadest masses of people. China is a big agricultural country and a big peasant country. Rural peasants make up the overwhelming majority of the Chinese population. The rural masses are the main part of the vast majority of the people. How to make good use of the mass culture of the countryside in the new era, to serve the building of a new socialist countryside and to promote the great development and prosperity of the rural culture? Take Huchuan Village, Huzhen Town, Jinyun County as an example, to talk about how to do a good job in the mass culture of the rural masses in the new era .
Previously,we reported that a cell population derived from human fetal bone marrow fBM),termed here Flk1+CD34-postembryonic pluripotent stem cells(PPSCs)that ha
甘薯(Ipomoea batatas(Lam.) L.)不仅是农业生产中的重要粮食作物,也是淀粉加工业中的重要原料作物之一,其产量和品质的提高是甘薯产业发展的根本目的。本文以干率和产量为基础,将12个材料按干率(高干、中干和低干)和产量(高产、中产和低产)各分为3个等级共计9个类型组合,在田间以随机区组排列方式进行种植,研究了甘薯的干物质积累过程和分配机理,得出以下结论:1.不同干率类型甘薯茎叶生
<正> 和群众心连心1959年6月中旬,西江、北江上游连降暴雨,江水骤涨,水文站发出紧急警报。从广东省防汛指挥部获悉:洪水继续上涨,加上海潮顶托,有可能出现数十年一遇的特大洪水。洪水牵动着千万人的心弦。《羊城晚报》领导十分重视这一事态,决定派我和另外一些记者分赴抗洪前线,执行紧急的采访任务。我为能参与这次紧急采访而自豪。我想:自己
In chronic infectious diseases caused by gram-negative bacteria,such as osteomyelitis,septic arthritis,and periodontitis,osteoclastic activity is enhanced with
水稻是世界第二大粮食作物,也是我国的主要粮食作物。稻米是人类获取能量、蛋白质、矿质元素和其它营养物质的重要来源。进一步提高稻米中有益营养物质的含量,对于促进消费者的身体健康具有重要意义。本研究选用了浙农7号、浙农富铁、浙农富锌和浙农富硒4个早籼稻品种,研究了稻米不同部位Fe、Zn、蛋白质和氨基酸等营养物质的分布情况以及碾磨程度(degree of milling, DOM)对这些营养物质含量的影响