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对于鄂西地区不断加剧的仪式性人情异化问题,当地纪委印发“红头文件”进行专项治理。然而,围绕“红头文件”产生了一系列“争议”。这恰恰蕴含了基层法治两个重要的实践问题:一是合法性与有效性的冲突,即在基层社会国家权力的运作如何能同时满足合法性与有效性的要求;二是针对基层法治复杂性的冲击,如何认识并回应冲击,改进基层执法的过程与实效。面对合法性与有效性的冲突,公权力需要在有所作为的前提下,时时自省、处处审慎;面对基层法治的复杂性,基层政府应当对各种“争议”保持敏感,正视矛盾,进而致力于将人民群众的拥护建制化,强化国家权力建设的某些方面。在广义的基层执法中,对这两个实践问题的有效处理和应对,在实质意义上能够促成基层法治的生成。 For the ever-worsening ceremonial alienation in Western Hubei, the local Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the “red-headed document” for special treatment. However, a series of “controversies” have been generated around “red-headed documents.” This contains precisely the two important practical problems of law and order at the grassroots level. The first is the conflict between legitimacy and effectiveness, that is, how the operation of state power in grass-roots society can meet the requirements of legality and effectiveness at the same time. Second, How to recognize and respond to the impact and improve the process and effectiveness of grassroots law enforcement. In the face of the conflict between legitimacy and effectiveness, public power needs to be self-conscious and cautious whenever it does something. In the face of the complexity of law and order at the grassroots level, the grassroral government should remain sensitive to all kinds of disputes Contradictions and then devoted themselves to institutionalizing the support of the masses of the people and strengthening certain aspects of the construction of state power. In the broad sense of law enforcement at the grassroots level, the effective handling and response to these two practical problems can, in a substantive sense, lead to the formation of the rule of law at the grassroots level.
日前 ,青岛橡胶集团 10 0万套半钢子午线轮胎顺利通过欧洲 ECE国际认证。 10 0万套轻卡、轿车子午线轮胎项目是全国第一批“双加”工程和青岛市技改项目。该项目由于采用国际
中国普天信息产业集团公司( PTIC)(原中国邮电工业总公司 )成立于 1980年 ,原隶属于邮电部和信息产业部 ,1998年年底成为中央直属大型企业。公司注册资金 30.9亿元,总资产额达 22
以色列 Alliance Tire Co.是一家以生产工业车辆轮胎、农业车轮胎和工程机械轮胎为主的轮胎公司。产品主要出口欧洲和美国。最近 ,以色列 Alliance Tire Co.公司关闭了其位于
小龙潭发电厂提出了2000年全厂的主要工作目标是: 1.全年发电量32.2亿千瓦时,上网电量28.72亿千瓦时;目标利润超集团公司下达计划;供电煤耗426克/千瓦时,综合厂用电率10.8%。
据有关汽车工业“十五”发展的报道 ,现摘其对考虑橡胶行业发展有直接影响部分 ,供大家参考。·日前 ,国家计委主任曾培炎在谈到今后经济工作的重点时指出 :加快制订相应的消
“九五”公路建设投入创历史最高水平 ,预计完成投资 80 0 0亿元 ,为“八五”时期的5倍 ,是“九五”原投资计划的 2 .73倍。特别是 1 998年以来 ,国家将公路作为中央基础设施