Investigation of cardiomyopathy using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging part 1:Common phenotypes

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianlong3311
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Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging(CMRI) has emerged as a useful tertiary imaging tool in the investigation of patients suspected of many different types of cardiomyopathies,CMRI sequences are now of a sufficiently robust quality to enable high spatial and temporal resolution image acquisition.This has led to CMRI becoming an effective non-invasive imaging gold standard for many cardiomyopathies.In this 2-part review,we outline the typical sequences used to image cardiomyopathy,and present the imaging spectrum of cardiomyopathy.Part 1 focuses on the current classification of cardiomyopathy,basic CMRI sequences used in evaluating cardiomyopathy and the imaging spectrum of common phenotypes. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) has emerged as a useful tertiary imaging tool in the investigation of patients suspected of many different types of cardiomyopathies, CMRI sequences are now of a sustained robustness to high spatial and temporal resolution image acquisition. This has led to CMRI becoming an effective non-invasive imaging gold standard for many cardiomyopathies. In this 2-part review, we outline the typical sequences used to image cardiomyopathy, and present the imaging spectrum of cardiomyopathy. Part 1 focuses on the current classification of cardiomyopathy, basic CMRI sequences used in evaluating cardiomyopathy and the imaging spectrum of common phenotypes.
由延庆县委、县政府主办,延庆成人教育局组织承办的“妫川英语”大赛经过 4个半天的预赛和决赛,已于 11月 11日在温泉大城堡落下帷幕。县委书记张志宽、县长田小平、县人大常委
摘要:本文针对生物课堂教学中小组合作学习存在的问题,采取了一系列切实可行的策略,积极探索有效开展小组合作学习的途径,从而提高生物教学质量。  关键词:生物;课堂小组合作学习;有效性;策略  中图分类号:G633.91文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)09-053-1  一、生物课堂小组合作学习存在的问题  新课程倡导的小组合作学习旨在促进师生间、生生间相互交流信息、互相配合协
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