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以苯作为評价MoS_2催化剂活性的原料,試驗了吡啶及頁岩油輕油“含氮化合物”对催化剂活性的影响。試驗証明在較低的溫度下(300°)經吡啶或“含氮化合物”的加氫处理后,催化剂完全失去了对苯加氫的活性;但在較高溫度下(420°以上),由于保証了含氮化合物的加氫裂解,催化剂仍保有相当的活性,其中除氫化性能几乎不受影响以外,影响最大的为异构性能,次之才为环烷的裂化性能。吡啶与含氮化合物的“毒性”,在性能上極其相近。 Using benzene as the raw material for evaluating the activity of MoS_2 catalyst, the effects of pyridine and shale oil naphtha “nitrogen compounds” on the catalyst activity were tested. It has been demonstrated that the catalyst completely lost its hydrogenation activity to benzene after hydrogenation at lower temperature (300 ° C) with pyridine or “nitrogen-containing compound”; however, at higher temperatures (above 420 ° C) The hydrocracking of nitrogen-containing compounds is guaranteed, and the catalyst still retains considerable activity, except for the fact that the hydrogenation performance is almost unaffected, the isomerization is most affected, followed by the cracking performance of naphthenics. The “toxicity” of pyridine to nitrogenous compounds is very similar in performance.
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