
来源 :中国工业经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:js_netbit
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原文题为《论我国市场的现状及其改造》(8000字),共分三部分。这里摘登的是其中第三部分。从整体上看,我国目前的市场尚未具备一般市场基本要素的内在关联性质所规定的初级市场的必备条件,但真正意义上的市场各因素正在生长、发育,并开始发挥各要素关联性质的功能作用。所以,旧体制在新市场的挑战面前显得软弱无力。从改革的角度看,这无疑是一件好事,因为它动摇了旧体制的根基。然而.我们并不能因此而乐观。在向优化型市场前进的航道上,急流、险滩和暗礁,随时都可能向我们袭来。改革并不能给所有的人都带来伸手可得的利益。为了长远,可能要损伤一部分人的眼前利益;即使能给人们带来眼前利益.那些习惯于在传统体制下运转的人,对于新东西也可能难于接受,甚至会持反对态度。加之,改革是一项复杂的社会系统工程,只 The original article entitled “On the status quo of our market and its transformation” (8000 words), is divided into three parts. Here is the third part of the list. As a whole, the current market in our country has not yet possessed the necessary conditions for the primary market stipulated by the inherently related nature of the basic elements of the general market. However, in the true sense of the market, all the factors are growing and developing and are beginning to exert their relevance function. Therefore, the old system appears weak in the face of the new market challenge. From a reform perspective, this is undoubtedly a good thing because it has shaken the very foundation of the old system. However, we can not be optimistic about it. Rapids, rapids and reefs are likely to hit us at any time in the fairways that advance to the optimized market. Reform does not bring the benefits that all people have at their fingertips. For the long term, it may be to damage the immediate interests of some people, even if it can bring immediate benefits to those who are accustomed to functioning under the traditional system of new things may be difficult to accept, or even oppose. In addition, the reform is a complex social system project, only
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林业是最有前途和希望的产业。随着我国重点地区生态环境的明显好转,传统的林产品如人造板、木浆造纸以及经济林产品生产能力的提高,为国民经济的 Forestry is the most pro