
来源 :中国寄生虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sophia_yin104
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1992年10月26~27日,世界卫生组织在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹召开了国际疟疾部长级会议。99个国家的代表、联合国发展计划署等4个联合国组织,世界医学教育联盟等14个与联合国有关的非政府官方组织的代表及知名科学家约600人出席了会议。会议呼吁各国政府承诺控制疟疾规划,发达与发展中国家团结合作,社区动员,人人参与,在未来长期控制疟疾工作中努力奋斗。会议经过热烈讨论,一致通过了《控制疟疾的世界宣言》。为及时宣传这次大会的有关精神,现将宣言全文及部分有关文章(译文)刊登于此,以飨读者。 From October 26 to October 27, 1992, the World Health Organization held the International Malaria Ministerial Meeting in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Representatives from 99 countries, four UN organizations such as the United Nations Development Program, and 14 representatives of the United Nations-related non-governmental official organizations, including the World Medical Education Alliance, and about 600 well-known scientists attended the meeting. The meeting called on governments of all countries to commit themselves to the control of malaria planning, to the solidarity and cooperation between developed and developing countries, community mobilization, and participation of all, to work hard in the long-term control of malaria. After a heated discussion, the meeting unanimously adopted the “World Declaration on the Control of Malaria.” In order to timely publicize the spirit of this conference, the full text of the declaration and some of the relevant articles (translations) are hereby published for readers.
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