完善生育保险制度 促进妇女公平就业

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一妇女就业是人类社会文明进步的标志之一,是经济社会发展的需要,也是妇女获得经济独立和自身发展的基本保障。按照马克思主义观点,“妇女解放的第一个先决条件就是一切女性重新回到公共的劳动中去。只要妇女仍然被排除于社会的生产劳动之外而只限于从事家庭的私人劳动,那么,妇女的解放,妇女同男子的平等现在和将来都是不可能的。”。建国以后,我国实行的是高度集中的计划经济体制。在计划经济体制框架内,劳动力资源配置由国家统一计划、统一安排。对于刚从社会底层解放出来急需从家庭走向社会的广大城镇妇女来说,她们受惠于这种体制,用很短的时间大规模走出家门,参加社会生产劳动,完成了由家庭妇女到社会生产劳动者角色的转变。在此以后经过近30年时间的延续,计划经济体制使城镇妇女逐渐形成了“一高两低”(高就业、低工资、低效益)的就业模式。评述计划经济条件下妇女高就业的正面作用,首先是妇女的就业促进了社会主义经济建设;第二,一定意义上更 A woman’s employment is one of the hallmarks of the progress of civilization in human society, is the need of economic and social development, and is also the basic guarantee for women’s economic independence and self-development. According to Marxism, “the first precondition for the liberation of women is that all women return to public labor, and so long as women are still excluded from the productive labor of society and confined to the private labor of the family, The liberation of women and the equality of women and men are impossible now and in the future. ” After the founding of our country, our country has implemented a highly centralized planned economy. Within the framework of a planned economy, the allocation of labor resources shall be unifiedly planned and arranged by the state. For the vast majority of urban women liberated urgently from the family to the community who have just been liberated from the bottom of society, they benefited from this system and took large-scale exit from their homes in a short period of time to participate in social productive labor and complete the transition from housewives to social production Changes in the role of laborer. After this period, after nearly 30 years of continuous development, the planned economy has gradually brought about urban and rural women’s employment patterns of “one high, two low” (high employment, low salary and low efficiency). Commenting on the positive effect of women’s high employment under the planned economy, firstly, the employment of women promotes the socialist economic construction; secondly, in a certain sense,
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以雄性Wistar大鼠为实验动物,观察不同频率的100dB(A)稳态噪声对大鼠心肌离子代谢的影响。其中高、低频噪声的主频率分别为4K Hz和250Hz。结果表明,短期(4周)的噪声暴露可使