第一章有“争议”的人物 1.诬陷风波阴霾的天气和陈星国获奖而归的兴奋心情形成了很大反差,汽车已经是风驰电掣了,可他总觉得太慢太慢,他轻轻摇下车窗,猛地,一阵冷风夹着冰凉的雨丝迎面扑来,他忍不住打了个冷颤……到了县城,他兴冲冲地朝县委、县政府大院走去。“……星国——回来了?”几个熟识的人见了他好像有些陌生、不自在,匆匆打个招呼又匆匆走开。楼房上的几扇玻璃窗上也隐约贴了许多面孔,一些人在指指戳戳,窃窃私语。
The first chapter there is a “controversial” figure 1. Framed storm haze weather and Chen Xingguo award-winning excitement formed a great contrast, the car is already furious, but he always felt too slow too slow, he gently rocked Windows, suddenly, while a cold wind wiped his face across the cold rain, he could not help but hit a chill ... ... to the county, he excitedly toward the county party committee and government compound walked. “... ... Star State - back?” A few familiar people met him as if some strange, uncomfortable, hurried to say hello and hurried away. Several windows on the building also vaguely affixed to many faces, some people poke finger, whispering.