许昌烟区烟草害虫天敌研究 Ⅰ、主要害虫天敌种类及食性

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烟草害虫天敌,以往很少研究。由于对害虫天敌缺乏了解,长期以来,防治烟草害虫单纯使用化学药剂,杀伤了大量天敌,破坏了天敌与害虫之间的生态平衡,造成害虫猖獗的恶性循环;残留于烟叶中的农药,影响吸烟者的健康。所以,进行烟草害虫天敌调查研究,是当前烟草害虫综合防治工作中的重要环节。许昌烟区主要害虫有烟蚜、烟青虫及细毛蝽。作者于1979—1981年对主要害虫天敌作了调查研究,现将初步结果报道如下。一、烟草主要害虫天敌的种类连续三年对烟田作定点定期调查(每5天调查一次)的结果,初步已知许昌地区烟草主 Tobacco pests natural enemies, little research in the past. Due to the lack of understanding of natural enemies of pests, long-term control of tobacco pests simply using chemical agents, killing a large number of natural enemies, destroying the ecological balance between natural enemies and pests, causing a vicious cycle of pests rampant; pesticide residues in tobacco affect smoking The health of the people. Therefore, the investigation of natural enemies of tobacco pests is an important link in the comprehensive prevention and control of tobacco pests. Xuchang tobacco main pests have aphids, tobacco budworm and hairy bug. The author conducted a survey of major pests and natural enemies in 1979-1981. The preliminary results are reported below. First, the types of natural enemies of tobacco major pests For three consecutive years of regular tobacco field surveys (survey every 5 days) the results of the initial known Xuchang tobacco main
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