超级“发明”! 我“眺望”歌星赚了200万

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惊喜发现,望远镜跟着演唱会卖得奇火今年29岁的张军武足河北省承德市人。1995年,他高中毕业后来到北京打工,1998年7月,一个朋友找到他,想和他合伙做点小生意。那个朋友投资了8万元钱,在北京西城区摄影器材中心租了个档口,主要批发和零售望远镜,兼营放大镜和照相机。因为张军武当时没有多少积蓄,便主要负责销售。望远镜店开张后,生意一直比较清淡。张军武除了每月进一两次货以外,就每天从早到晚呆在店里,守着店里的微型电视打发时间。1999午11月,他终于将那8万元成本收回来了。可这时,朋友却嫌收益太慢,决定终止合作。他连本带利将钱还给朋友后,就身无分文了。虽然这一年半来,他等于“赚”了个店铺,但朋友的退出让他心里非常恐慌:万一亏本了怎么办?那是张军武一生中最难熬的日了。一部望远镜的进价,大都在成百上千元;由于没有流动资金,他只能用 Surprise found that the telescope followed the concert to sell the odd fire 29-year-old Zhang Junwu in Hebei Province, Chengde City. In 1995, after graduating from high school, he went to Beijing to work. In July 1998, a friend found him and wanted to partner with him to do a little business. The friend invested 80,000 yuan and rented a stall at the Photographic Equipment Center in Xicheng District, Beijing. He mainly engaged in the wholesale and retail of telescopes and also operated magnifying glasses and cameras. Because Zhang Junwu did not have much savings at the time, he was mainly responsible for sales. After the telescope shop opened, business remained relatively light. Zhang Junwu stays in the store from morning till night, except to buy goods once or twice a month. He watches the mini-television in the store to pass the time. In November 1999, he finally recovered the 80,000 yuan cost. At this time, the friend was too slow and decided to terminate the cooperation. After he even returned the money to his friend, he was penniless. Although this year and a half, he was equal to “earn” a shop, but his friend’s withdrawal made him very panic: what if he loses money? That is the most difficult day in Zhang Junwu’s life. The purchase price of a telescope is mostly in the hundreds of dollars. Since there is no liquidity, he can only use it.
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