尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾: 亲爱的校友们、师生员工同志们: 在这金秋送爽、丹桂飘香的十月,我们迎来了中国保险管理干部学院十年华诞。我代表全院师生员工,向光临庆祝大会的各位领导、各位来宾,向从全国各地赶来参加校庆的校友们,表示最热烈的欢迎和最衷心的感谢!代表院党委和院行政,向曾为我院的建设和发展作出了重要贡献的离退休老同志,向曾经在我院工作过的同志,向常年辛勤耕耘、默默奉献的教职工同志
Dear Leader, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear alumni, Students and staff, Comrades: In October of this golden autumn and sweet fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans, we ushered in the ten-year anniversary of China Insurance Institute of Management. On behalf of teachers and students of the entire hospital, I would like to extend my warmest welcome and most heartfelt thanks to all the leaders and distinguished guests who came to celebrate the conference and to all the alumni who came to attend the celebration from all over the country. Former retired veteran comrades who made important contributions to the construction and development of our hospital, comrades who have been working in our hospital, comrades and staff members who have worked hard all the year round, silently and dedication