
来源 :大众电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxyty
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内地的开放给我们一个很好的机会,能得到这么大一群观众。理解内地的电影审查制度大众电影:由任达华、林雪、邵美琪主演的《冲锋战警》11月1日在香港、内地同步上映。这也是你导演的电影第一次在内地上映,现在什么心情?罗守耀:兴奋。我来内地很多次,但这是第一次来内地宣传。大众电影:剧情片、恐怖片动作片你都拍过,为什么选择警匪片进军内地?罗守耀:警匪动作电影是我比较强的品种。为了在内地上映,就构思了一个比较现实、人情味比较重的故事。我也考虑到商业看点,因此也注重动作和枪战。大众电影:很多香港导演都会视内地的电影审查制度为障碍,你这次拍《冲锋战警》,有没有这种感觉?罗守耀:我没有这种感觉。这几年我感到,香港电影如果再任意放飞,很多题材不能在内地上映,是很大的损失。拍《冲锋战警》之前,已经计划要两地同时上映,所以必须通过审查。《冲锋战警》是合拍片,我不认为合拍片与 The opening up of the Mainland gives us a good opportunity to get such a large audience. Understand the movie censorship system in the Mainland Volkswagen Movie: “Assault Men” starring Simon Yam, Lin Xue and Shao Mei Qi will be released simultaneously in Hong Kong and the Mainland on November 1. This is also your first movie premiere in the Mainland, what mood? Luo Shouyao: excited. I came to the Mainland many times, but this is the first time to the mainland publicity. Popular movies: feature films, horror movies you have ever taken, why the choice of gangster film into the Mainland? Luo Shouyao: action film of the mafia is my relatively strong variety. In order to release in the Mainland, conceived a more realistic, humane taste of the story. I also consider the business aspirations, so I also pay attention to action and shootout. Volkswagen: Many Hong Kong directors will regard the mainland censorship as an obstacle, this time you shoot “Emergency Men”, there is no such feeling? Luo Shouyao: I do not have this feeling. In recent years, I feel that it is a great loss if many films can not be released in the Mainland if Hong Kong films are to be released at will. Prior to filming the “Charge Storm Warriors,” plans have been made for the simultaneous release of the two places and must therefore be reviewed. “Charger” is a co-production film, I do not think co-production film and
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《纳德与西敏》原名为《一次别离》(A Separation),然而纵观全作不难发现,Separation的定义显然包含了多层面的具体映射:主线是纳德与西敏这对中产阶级夫妇的离婚争纷,辅线是