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如今各种款式和品牌的手机如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现,而价格也随着竞争的日益激烈而步步下跌,让越来越多的人准备购买手机或是更换新机。但我们也应该看到,目前的手机市场管理上还有许多不完善之处,一些奸商会利用人们一些不成熟的消费心态设下种种陷阱。 ■陷阱一:水货。所谓水货,就是 指通过非正常海关渠道进入我国的境外手机,即走私货。买过手机的朋友可能都有过这种经历:在一些小店中,当你相中一部价格较贵的洋品牌手机,但因为价格而踌躇时,商家会神秘兮兮地拿出一部一模一样的手机对您说这是水货——价格自然是便宜了许多。这种手机使用不会有任何问题,若是你一时心动买了 Nowadays mobile phones of various styles and brands have mushroomed, and prices have fallen with the increasingly fierce competition, allowing more and more people to purchase mobile phones or replace new ones. However, we should also see that there are still many imperfections in the management of the current mobile phone market. Some profiteers will use people’s immature consumer mentality to set various traps. ■ Pitfall 1: Parallel imports. The so-called parallel imports refer to overseas mobile phones entering China through non-normal customs channels, that is smuggled goods. Anyone who has bought a mobile phone may have had this experience: In some small stores, when you have a relatively expensive foreign brand mobile phone, but because of the price, the business will mysteriously come up with a The same mobile phone tells you that it is a parallel product - the price is naturally much cheaper. There is no problem with this kind of mobile phone, if you bought it for a while
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