The solubility of a metallic mineral with other coexisting minerals and the ore-forming processes of

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dalyforever
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Most metallic minerals in ore deposits are sulfides. When a sulfide mineral coexists with rock-forming minerals, its solubility is distinctly different from itself alone. The change in dissolution character of a mineral with coexisting rock-forming minerals leads to particular geochemical behavior. The concept of solubility of a metallic mineral with coexisting rock-forming minerals and its theory and model of calculation are put forward. Taking Tianmashan Cu-Au ore deposit of sulfide minerals in Tongling district as an example, solubilities of some metallic minerals with other coexisting minerals, such as pyrite or chalcopyrite with quartz (representing sandstone) or calcite (representing limestone), are calculated. The results show the mechanism of ore-forming processes. As the ore-forming fluid flows through sandstone, it dissolves pyrite in the sandstone at first, then transports the iron and sulfur to the interface between sandstone and limestone and eventually precipitates them on the interface. When a sulfide mineral coexists with rock-forming minerals, its solubility is distinctly different from itself alone. The change in dissolution character of a mineral with coexisting rock-forming minerals leads to particular geochemical behavior. The concept of solubility of a metallic mineral with coexisting rock-forming minerals and its theory and model of calculation are forwarded. Taking Tianmashan Cu-Au ore deposit of Tongling district as an example, solubilities of some metallic minerals with other coexisting minerals , such as pyrite or chalcopyrite with quartz (representing sandstone) or calcite (limestone limestone), are calculated. The results show the mechanism of ore-forming processes. As the ore-forming fluid flows through sandstone, it dissolves pyrite in the sandstone at first, then transports the iron and sulfur to the interface between sandstone and limestone and eventually precipitates them o n the interface.
红色文化是在革命战争年代,由中国共产党人、先进分子和人民群众共同创造并极具中国特色的先进文化,蕴含着丰富的革命精神和厚重的历史文化内涵。红色文化是一种重要资源,包括物质文化和非物质文化。  红色影像   《烈火中永生》 该片改编自小说《红岩》,讲述的是在重庆解放前夕,江姐在丈夫被敌人杀害后,去华蓥山区参加农村武装斗争,由于叛徒出卖,她和战友被捕,他们在狱中保守党组织秘密,同敌人展开顽强斗争的故事。
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