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许多学英语的人都有这样的体会,学了十几年的英语却仍然不能用英语进行正常的会话交流。尽管 TOEFL,GRE,EPT 等考试都能顺利通过而且取得好成绩,可是要进行几分钟的英语自由发言却总是结结巴巴,甚至脑子里一片空白,一句话也讲不出来,更谈不上进行流利、正确的译了。这是光记单词、语法、句型,忽略对语音基础、发音规则和口语操 Many people who learn English have this kind of experience. After learning more than ten years of English, they can’t communicate in English normally. Although the TOEFL, GRE, EPT and other exams passed smoothly and achieved good results, it took a couple of minutes to speak freely in English but it was always stammering. Even my mind was blank and I couldn’t tell a word. Fluent and correct translation. This is a memory of words, grammar, sentence patterns, ignores the basics of speech, pronunciation rules, and oral exercises
Male lions are rather reticent about expending their enery in bunting-more than three-quarters of kills are made by lionesses. Setting off at dusk on a hunt, t
1.我国目前正处于汹涌澎湃的改革浪潮之中,许多传统观念受到了冲击。尽管如此,大家不要认为自己是老顽固接受不了新事物。活到老,学到老。人们应该使自己的思想适应环境。 2
1.介词but的基本意义和位置 在((Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English》中,but为介词时,注释为“other than,except”(除……之外)。 He grew nothing bu trice.他
湘潭电业局简介湘潭电业局成立于1978年,是湖南省电力公司所属大Ⅱ型一流供电企业,担负着湘潭市的供电、电力建设和湖南电网 Xiangtan Electric Power Bureau Profile Xiang
1.Two men who lived in a small village got into a terrible dispute (争吵)that they could not resolve(解决).So they decided to talk to the town sage(智者). The
一组复合介词的用法浅析———acording to,inacordance with和acording as于丽韩学平acordingto,inacordancewith,accordingas汉语都有“根据,按照,与……一致,视……而定”之意,但用... The use of a group of compound prepositions—acording to, ina