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粘连带型肠梗阻,是粘连性肠梗阻的特殊类型,同时伴有肠系膜血管受压,属绞窄性肠梗阻。我院自1984年9月至1999年9月,经手术证实为粘连带型肠梗阻96例,现就其诊 治经验报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:本组男62例,女34例。年龄48~74岁。有腹部手术史者89例,其中急性阑尾炎穿孔41例,外伤性肠穿孔、肝、脾、肾破裂17例,肠扭转、肠套迭15例,结、直肠癌7例,宫外孕、剖腹产4例,胃穿孔3例,胆囊穿孔2例。无腹部手术史者7例,其中阑尾周围脓肿5例,胎粪性腹膜炎2例。腹痛距入院时间最短4h,最长2d,一般在24h左右。1.2 主要临床表现:96例增多为突然起病,表现为持续性腹痛,阵发性加剧。切口周围有压痛21例,伴痛性肿块者9例。有腹膜刺激征者32例,其中腹穿为血性腹水25例。伴休克 Adhesive band-type intestinal obstruction, is a special type of adhesive intestinal obstruction, accompanied by mesenteric vascular compression, is a strangulated intestinal obstruction. Our hospital from September 1984 to September 1999, confirmed by surgery for the adhesion-type intestinal obstruction in 96 cases, now on the diagnosis and treatment of their experience are as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information: The group of male 62 cases, 34 females. Age 48 ~ 74 years old. There were 89 cases of abdominal operation history, 41 cases of acute appendicitis perforation, traumatic intestinal perforation, liver, spleen and kidney rupture in 17 cases, intestinal torsion, intussusception in 15 cases, 7 cases of colorectal cancer, ectopic pregnancy, caesarean section in 4 cases , Gastric perforation in 3 cases, gallbladder perforation in 2 cases. There was no history of abdominal surgery in 7 cases, including 5 cases of abscess around the appendix and 2 cases of meconium peritonitis. Abdominal pain from admission the shortest 4h, the longest 2d, usually about 24h. 1.2 The main clinical manifestations: increased 96 cases of sudden onset, manifested as persistent abdominal pain, increased paroxysmal. There were 21 cases of tenderness around the incision and 9 cases of painful mass. Peritoneal irritation sign in 32 cases, of which 25 cases of abdominal wear as bloody ascites. With shock
既往的研究表明,急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者住院期间发生心力衰竭将对其预后和病死率产生重要影响,因此对AMI患者发生心 Previous studies have shown that heart failure duri
1 临床资料  病人男 ,5 2岁 ,住院号 2 3386 0。因中上腹持续性疼痛4天 ,于 1989年 5月 3日急诊入院。  病人于 4月 30日突感中上腹持续性疼痛 ,向腰背部放射 ,呈束带状
急性心肌梗死并发室性心动过速 ,多种抗心律失常药无反应时预后极差。我们最近遇到 1例 ,用大剂量普萘洛尔治疗成功 ,现报告如下。患者 ,男性 ,62岁 ,因突发持续性心前区压榨
目的 :通过对 5例老年急性心肌梗死患者并发多器官衰竭的回顾分析 ,以期获得对该病较全面的认识 ,从而有利于早期预防、早期发现、早期治疗 ,以提高抢救成功率。方法 :采用对