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什么是考古学考古学是一门独立的学科,也是一门综合性的学科,与自然科学、工程技术科学和人文社会科学都有着紧密的联系。考古学的研究对象主要是物质遗存,而物质遗存包括遗迹和遗物。遗迹指城址、墓葬、聚落等不可被移动的遗存,遗物指随葬品、建筑构件等可移动的遗存。以田野调查发掘工作为基础的近代考古学发源于欧洲,以后传到世界各地,中国的近代考古学出现于20世纪20年代。近代考古学以地层学和类型学为基础。地层学来源于地质 What is archeology Archeology is an independent discipline, but also a comprehensive discipline, and with the natural sciences, engineering and humanities and social sciences are closely linked. The object of archeology is mainly the remains of the material, while the remains of the material include remains and relics. Remains refers to the city site, tombs, settlements and other remains can not be moved, relics refers to the funerary objects, building components and other removable remains. Modern archaeological excavations based on field investigation and excavation originated in Europe and later spread all over the world. Modern archeology in China appeared in the 1920s. Modern archeology is based on stratigraphy and typology. Stratigraphy comes from geology
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Many scientists believe that alien civilisations exist.So let’s imagine that we suddenly stand face-to-face with members of an alien species.What would we do f
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This paper would introduce the translation thoughts of Howard Goldblatt from the following points,works selection,translation methods and strategies,the relatio
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