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这是改变世界篮球秩序的一届世锦赛。一如赛前预料的一样,美国、希腊、阿根廷和西班牙携手晋级四强,美欧各有两支球队,篮坛依旧是美欧两大洲争霸的格局。只是美洲代表已从10年前那个一枝独秀的美国悄然变成美阿双雄,而欧洲也告别了传统的东欧强队,代之而起的是新贵西班牙和希腊。希腊神话之所以深受世人喜爱,因为它讴歌的是人类的反抗精神,赞美的是英雄们不畏强权,反抗独裁、反抗旧秩序建立新秩序的勇气和决心。于是,在反抗中宙斯带领众神战胜克罗诺斯建立的暴政统治,在反抗中普罗米修斯为人类带来了光明。希腊神话的巅峰是宙斯带领众神的反抗:宙斯带领兄弟姐妹 This is a world championships that change the world basketball order. As expected before the game, the United States, Greece, Argentina and Spain to join hands to advance to the semi-finals, the United States and Europe each have two teams, the basketball arena is still the pattern of hegemony for both continents. Only the representative of the United States has quietly transformed itself into a hero in the United States and Argentina from the thriving United States 10 years ago, while Europe also bid farewell to the traditional strong teams in Eastern Europe, replaced by upstart Spain and Greece. The reason why Greek mythology is loved by the world is that it praises the human spirit of rebellion and compliments the courage and determination of the heroes who fear fear of power, resist dictatorship, and establish a new order against the old order. Prometheus, on the other hand, brought light to mankind in the midst of revolt, in which Zeus led the gods in defeating the tyranny established by Kronos. The pinnacle of Greek mythology is Zeus’s resistance to the gods: Zeus leads siblings
一、钢球冲模类 O、*”士:” 44续
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