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有许多学生在做检测时把杜牧《山行》诗中的“白云生处”写成“白云深处”。我认为学生之所以发生这样错误,是因为老师没有讲清古人对云产生的认识造成的。云,是由水蒸气在空中形成水滴、冰晶悬浮而成。而古人认为云是由深山中产生的。这在古代文学作品中有很多例证。晋张景阳在《杂诗》中有“云根临八极”的句子。《辞海》中把“云根”解释为“深山高远云起之处”。陶渊明在《归云来辞》中有“云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还”的句子,前半句意思是“白云悠悠然飘出山峰”。北宋欧阳修也有“若夫日出而林霏开.云归而岩穴暝”(《醉翁亭记》)的句子。这里之所以说“云出岫”、“云归”、“岩穴”都是因为他们认为云是在深山中产生的。小语课本中唐代诗人李白的《望庐山瀑布》说“日照香炉生紫烟”,也就是说香炉峰升腾(产生)起紫色云烟,也是基于古人对云产生的认识。如果对学生讲清了“白云生处”即“白云生起的地方”“白云产生、生成的地方”,“白云生处”的“生”即“生成”、“产生”的意思.那么学生又怎会把“生处”误作“深处”呢? Many students wrote “Bai Yun Sheng Chu” in the poem Du Shan's “Mountain” poem as “the depths of the Bai Yun” during the testing. I think the reason why students make such a mistake is because the teacher did not clarify the ancients' understanding of the cloud. The cloud is formed by the water vapor in the air droplets, ice suspended from. The ancients believed that the clouds were generated in the mountains. There are many examples of ancient literary works. Jin Zhang Jingyang in the “Miscellaneous Poems” in the “Yungen Pro eight pole” sentence. “Cihai” in the “cloud root” as “the distant mountains and clouds.” In Tao Yuanming's speech, Tao Yuanming has the sentence “Clouds are out of mind and birds are tired and fly away”. The first sentence means “the white clouds slowly float out of the mountain.” Northern Song Ouyang Xiu also have “Ruofu Sunrise and Lin Fei open. Cloud return and cave 暝” (“Drunkard Pavilion mind”) sentence. The reason why “cloud out of Xiu”, “cloud return”, “cave” are because they think the cloud is generated in the mountains. Small textbook in the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai's “Hope Lushan Waterfall” said “Rizhao incense raw purple smoke”, that incense burner peak rise (produce) purple cloud, but also based on the ancients understanding of the cloud. If you clarify the students, “Baiyun Department” that is, “the birthplace of Baiyun”, “white clouds generated, the generation of place”, “Baiyun Health Department” “Health” that is “generate” and “produce.” How can we mistake “birthplace” for “depths”?
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本刊讯 为期两天的2004年中美电信高层会议18日在芝加哥闭幕,这是首次在美国举行的中美电信高层会议,双方表示将进一步加强在电信领域的交流与合作。中国信息产业部部长王旭