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平顶山天鹰集团有限责任公司是由原平顶山市高压开关厂依据《公司法》改制而成的国有独资公司,是我国研制和生产高压及超高压开关设备的国有大型骨干企业,是河南省高新技术企业和建立现代企业制度试点单位。近几年来,该公司抓住创新竞赛不放松,创新成果累累。为了鼓励技术创新,公司成立了以副总经理、总工程师为主任的产品创新委员会,领导技术中心、各子公司的产品创新工作。为实现创新目标,他们一是根据实际情况逐步加大科研经费的投入力度,增加研究开发费用:二是建立创新科研开发机制,根据市场变化情况,建立快 Pingdingshan Tianying Group Co., Ltd. is a state-owned sole-funded company transformed from the original Pingdingshan High-voltage Switchgear Factory based on the “Company Law”. It is a state-owned large-scale backbone enterprise that develops and produces high-voltage and ultra-high voltage switchgear in China and is a high-tech enterprise in Henan Province. Enterprises and the establishment of modern enterprise system pilot units. In recent years, the company has seized the innovation competition and has not relaxed, and has made numerous innovations. In order to encourage technological innovation, the company has established a product innovation committee with deputy general managers and chief engineers as its directors to lead the technical innovation work of the technology center and subsidiaries. In order to achieve the goal of innovation, they first gradually increase the investment in scientific research funds according to the actual situation and increase the research and development costs. The second is the establishment of innovative scientific research and development mechanisms, and the establishment of rapid changes in accordance with market conditions.
ERP 远渡重洋来到中国。本想有一番作为,却没想到在中国市场遭遇到了前所未有的失败,与国外的情况相比,国内 ERP 市场乱成一团.试图应用 ERP 系统的企业谈虎色变,ERP 沦落为
Gartner Dataquest 在6月的一份报告中预测,2002年,全球制造业 IT 投入将达3260亿美元,比2001年的3090亿美元增加5.5%。由于世界经济的不景气,这一增长到2005年之前仍将保持
5日消息,原科龙电器公司副总裁王康平、原科龙电器空调营销本部总监张铸、原科龙电器空调公司生产经营副总经理郑碧林、原乐华空调公司总工程师 News on the 5th, former v
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