Pollen records of Holocene vegetation and climate changes in the Longzhong Basin of the Chinese Loes

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiangchengshimeng
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Pollen records with an average time resolution of 20-200 years from Holocene loess sections at Dingxi, Qin’an, and other localities of Gansu Province reveal a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes in the western Loess Plateau. For most time of the Holocene, the landscape was dominated by grasslands or forest steppes. However, during the middle Holocene (7.5-5.8 ka BP), relatively dense forests developed, and the endemic vegetation flourished, suggesting a much warmer and more humid climate condition than the present. Superimposed upon this general pattern are several dry intervals marked by the episodic expansion of grasslands or forest steppe. Xeric vegetation expanded after 3.8 ka BP, indicating a trend towards dry conditions. Pollen records with an average time resolution of 20-200 years from Holocene loess sections at Dingxi, Qin’an, and other localities of Ghantan province reveal a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes in the western Loess Plateau. For most time of the Holocene , the landscape was dominated by grasslands or forest steppes. However, during the middle Holocene (7.5-5.8 ka BP), relatively dense forests developed, and the endemic vegetation flourished, suggesting a much warmer and more humid climate condition than the present. Superimposed upon this general pattern are several dry intervals marked by the episodic expansion of grasslands or forest steppe. Xeric vegetation expanded after 3.8 ka BP, indicating a trend towards dry conditions.
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