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中国女篮在第21届亚锦赛上成功卫冕实属可喜可贺。在主教练马赫接手球队仅3个月,队内主力隋菲菲、苗立杰没有归队的情况下,平均年龄不足22岁的女篮姑娘们,凭借天时、地利、人和之力卫冕成功,为新一届的中国女篮开了个好头。综观本届比赛,在亚洲女篮传统三强中,与中国女篮年轻的活力形成鲜明对比的是韩国女篮的后继乏人和日本女篮的日渐没落。为了争夺本届比赛的冠军,韩国女篮不得不将31岁的“妈妈球员”郑先珉和33岁的老将钱周媛招八队中,凭借几杆老枪攻城拔寨的韩国女篮已明显呈现出后继乏人迹象。上届亚锦赛亚军得主日本队在本届比赛中的表现实在是不尽如人意,小组赛中先后大比分败给中国、韩国和中国台北队,以1胜4负的战绩勉强进入四强。她们在争夺第三名的比赛中再次不敌中国台北队,无缘2006年世界女篮锦标赛。尽管队中有一位能突破、能组织的得分后卫大神雄子,但人员不整、内线疲软、缺乏出色中锋的这支日本队很难在未来几年里对中国队构成威胁。同日本队的下滑相比,中国台北队在本届比赛中表现出了很强的上升势头,但其整体实力同中国队和韩国队相比还存在一定的差距,内线队员身高不足,核心球员钱薇娟已过巅峰期,同样在经历新老交替的中国台北队只能暂时排在亚洲第三的位置。在韩国女篮后继乏人,日本女篮日渐没落,中国台北女篮尚未形成气候的局势下,以年轻球员为主、充满活力的中国女篮在今后的5年内,当可稳坐亚洲霸主之位。 Chinese women’s basketball team in the 21st Asian Championships successfully defended it is gratifying. In coach Maher took over the team only 3 months, the team main Sui Fifi, Miao Lijie did not return to the case, the average age of less than 22-year-old women’s basketball girls, by virtue of weather, geography, human and security defending success, For the new term of the Chinese women’s basketball made a good start. Looking at this competition, in the traditional Asian women’s basketball team three, in contrast with the young Chinese women’s youth vitality is the successor to the Korean women’s basketball team and Japan’s women’s basketball declining. In order to compete for the championship this year, the South Korean women’s basketball team had to 31-year-old “mother player” Zheng Xianmin and 33-year-old veteran money Zhouyuan eight teams, with several shotgun siege of the South Korean women’s basketball team has clearly shown Subsequent lack of signs. The last Asian Championships runner-up Japan’s performance in this competition is not satisfactory, the group stage has lost a large margin to China, South Korea and Chinese Taipei, with a record of 1-4 wins barely reached the semi-finals . They again lost to the Chinese Taipei team in the third place competition, missed the 2006 World Women Basketball Championships. Despite a breakthrough, organized point guard Daxing Xiongzi, the Japanese team with a weak center and a poor center is unlikely to pose a threat to the Chinese team in the coming years. Compared with the Japanese team’s decline, Chinese Taipei showed a very strong upward trend in this competition, but its overall strength is still somewhat different from that of the Chinese team and the Korean team. The inside team members are not tall enough. The core players Qian Wei Juan has peaked, the same experience in the new generation of Chinese Taipei team can only temporarily ranked third in Asia. In the Korean women’s basketball team followed by the lack of people, the Japanese women’s basketball declining, the Chinese Taipei women’s basketball has not yet formed a climate situation, mainly young players, vibrant Chinese women’s basketball team in the next 5 years, Bit.
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