
来源 :湖北招生考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ok_qq
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一、填报志愿1.填报志愿分两次进行。第一次在公布高考分数前(即6月10日至15日)估分填报提前批录取的本、专科院校(专业)及第一批录取的本科院校(专业)志愿;第二次在公布投档资格线后(即7月4日至9日)填报第二、三、四批录取的本科、高职(专科)院校志愿。 First, fill in the volunteer 1. Complete the volunteering in two. The first time before the release of the college entrance examination score (that is, June 10 to June 15), the assessment is based on the selection of the colleges and universities (professionals) admitted in advance, and the first batch of undergraduate colleges (professionals) to volunteer; After the publication of the qualified qualification line for the record (that is, July 4 to 9), the second, third, and fourth batch of colleges and universities will be selected to volunteer for the undergraduate and vocational colleges.
我国古代文学遗产丰富,古代诗歌(诗、词、曲等)是其中璀璨的明珠。阅读古代诗歌,有助于我们增长知识,陶冶情操,培养审美情趣,丰富语汇,提高语言表 Ancient Chinese literar
“仿写”是一种综合能力考查题,这种题型有限制有约束,因而解答起来有一定的难度。但是它可以激活考生的思维,具有很强的启发性和诱导性, “Imitate writing” is a kind o
Bobby:What’s happening Kelly? Kelly:Not much.I am chatting on the Internet. Bobby:Cool. I love Internet chat.Do you use ICQ? Kelly:Yeah,sometimes.I usually vi
数学课程标准指出:“动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式.”2002年的中考命题体现这一课改精神,出现了一种新颖试题——实验、操作、探究题. The mathe
一只绵羊说:咩。A cOw sayS一头奶牛说:哞。MOQ I l三头任唱敬〔尹的猪说:啦啦啦,即不,不,猪们盛日整夜那在说:味,味!“Rhi川沉龙爪笼冷5 snorta闻snuff飞】一群犀牛任喻气,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.