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The rural-urban migration in America had characteristics as following:Firstly,America had been obstructed in the process of inflow of people from rural areas to cities less than Western European countries.Compared with them,there was no serious household register system,a long|drawn|out war,and national division in America.Secondly,America had a short process of transfer of rural people into urban areas.Because the majority of American population formed by immigrants of European countries,so that there was not a stable huge number of small farmers to transfer into cities.In France,the process of inflow of mass far|mers to cities continued for a long time.Thirdly,in the history of the U.S.,the tendency of population inflow from countryside to cities occurred in the same period and in step with internal migration from east to west all over the country. The rural-urban migration in America had characteristics the following: Firstly, America had been obstructed in the process of inflow of people from rural areas to cities less than Western European countries. Compared with them, there was no serious household register system, a long | drawn | out war, and national division in America. Secondly, America had a short process of transfer of rural people into urban areas. Because the majority of American populations formed by immigrants of European countries, so that there was not a stable huge number of small farmers to transfer into cities.In France, the process of inflow of mass far | mers to cities continued for a long time. Hello, in the history of the US, the tendency of population inflow from countryside to the year that the same period and in step with internal migration from east to west all over the country.
1915年 7月 14日 ,麦加谢里夫侯赛因·本·阿里秘密致函英国驻埃及高级专员亨利·麦克马洪。信中要求英国支持阿拉伯人反对奥斯曼帝国的武装起义 ,承认阿拉伯人独立和组成一
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