
来源 :上海社会科学院学术季刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangpengjx
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上海总商会1920年的一次历史性改组,标志着上海工商界一代新人开始登上社会活动舞台,取代昔日由绅商包揽商会权力的地位,并在社会经济生活中发挥比前辈绅商更有成效地推动近代化的作用。本文先对改组前后上海总商会的结构变化进行了具体剖析和比较,论证这次改组是当时上海新旧两代民族资本家地位升降、权力转移的信号。继以较多篇幅从知识结构、价值观念、企业精神三个侧面对上海新旧两代民族资本家的基本素质进行比较分析,然后引出三类历史启示:(一)经济近代化是层次演进的历史过程,在不同层次的发展时期,有不同的时代内容和时代要求,企业经营者必须及时更新观念、知识和经营手段,以免被时代淘汰;(二)在近代化潮流中,改革是一切经济行为的主题。时代的紧迫感催人奋发,催逼着人们强化改革意识;(三)适当配置人才,优化企业素质,是企业转入经济近代化轨道的当务之急。二、三十年代大批科技人才和专业管理人才进入企业界,使当时上海一度呈现出一个为近代化浪涛卷起的企业人才济用的高潮。 A historic restructuring of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce in 1920 marked the beginning of a new generation in the Shanghai business community who took the stage for social activities and replaced the former power of merchants to take power from chambers of commerce and play more effective social and economic activities than its predecessors. To promote the role of modernization. This paper firstly analyzes and compares the changes of the structure of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce before and after the reorganization, and demonstrates that this reorganization is the signal of the rise and fall of the status of the national capitalists in Shanghai in the two generations of the time and the transfer of power. Following more space to compare and analyze the basic qualities of the two generations of national capitalists in Shanghai from three aspects: knowledge structure, values ​​and entrepreneurship, and then lead to three types of historical revelations: (1) Economic modernization is the historical process of gradual development At different levels of development, they have different contents of the times and demands of the times. Enterprises must update their concepts, knowledge and management tools in time to avoid being eradicated by the times. (2) In the process of modernization, reform is the ultimate goal of all economic activities theme. The pressing sense of urgency in the times has forced people to intensify their awareness of reform. (3) Properly allocating qualified personnel and optimizing the quality of enterprises are imperative tasks for enterprises to move into the economic modernization track. In the 1920s and 1930s, a large number of scientific and technological personnel and professional management personnel entered the business community. At that time, Shanghai was once showing the climax of employing talents for enterprises rolled up by the modernized waves.
我们在给学生提问、出题、批改时都可以设定一定的时间、空间,给学生一个充分发挥想象的空间。如何发挥语文教学中的空间美,我以为可从以下几个方面进行探讨。  一是提问的空间美。在上课的时候,我们往往会碰到许多知识点,而这些知识点,又必须交给学生,那就可能设计很多问题,或提问或书面作业。而在提问的时候,我们又不能立即把这些结果直接地告诉学生,但有一点,我们的最终目的,是使学生获取思想上感情上的教化和知识上
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