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日前,广东省劳动厅1996年劳动新闻宣传工作座谈会在厅本部召开,驻穗各新闻单位记者代表及省劳动厅各业务处室负责同志共三十多人出席座谈。会议由省劳动厅综合规划处处长陈斯毅主持,省劳动厅党组副书记、副厅长甘兆炯到会并作重要发言。《创业者》、《广东劳动报》、《信息时报》、《南方农村报》等多家新闻单位向与会代表散发了最新一期样刊样报。座谈会在轻松、愉快、务实的气氛中进行。综合规划处处长陈斯毅向全体与会记者表示热烈欢迎。他说,今年是实施“九五”头一年,也是广东 A few days ago, a total of more than 30 people in charge of comrades, representatives of correspondents of various news agencies in Guangdong Province and departments in charge of Labor Department of Guangdong Provincial Labor Department, held a symposium on labor news propaganda work in 1996 in the department headquarters. The meeting was presided over by Chen Siyi, director of Comprehensive Planning Department of Provincial Department of Labor, and Gan Zhaojiong, deputy secretary and deputy director of Provincial Labor Department, attended and made important speeches. Entrepreneurs, Guangdong Labor Daily, Information Times, Southern Rural News and other news units distributed the latest issue of sample samples to the participants. Symposium in a relaxed, happy and pragmatic atmosphere. Chen Siyi, Chief of the Comprehensive Planning Department, extended a warm welcome to all the participating reporters. He said that this year is the first year of implementing the Ninth Five-year Plan and is also Guangdong