韦杰,东兰县人,壮族,1914年生。他自1929年百色起义参加红七军后毕生从戎,参加过43个战役,大小战斗525次, 曾5次负伤,是我军的一员骁将。土地革命战争时期,韦杰从战士迭次晋升为班长、排长、连长、团参谋长、团长。抗日战争时期,历任八路军总部特务团团长、一二九师三四四旅六八八团团长、新编第一旅旅长、太行山第五分区司令员,率部转战于太行山脉的千山万壑, 为巩固、发展太行山抗日根据地作出积极贡献。1939年2月上旬,韦杰率六八八团
Wei Jie, Donglan County, Zhuang, born in 1914. Since joining the Red Army in Baise Uprising in 1929, he has participated in 43 battles for a total of 52 battles, 525 battles, and wounded five times. He is a member of our army. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Wei Jie was promoted to a squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, regiment chief of staff, head of delegation from the warrior. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he served successively as the head of the Eighth Route Army headquarters spy regiment, the 129th, the 34th, the 488th, the Brigade of the 618th, the commander of the first brigades brigade, the commander of the fifth division of the Taihang Mountains, Mountains and valleys, to consolidate and develop the Taihang Mountains Anti-Japanese Base Area to make positive contributions. In early February 1939, Wei Jie rate of six eight eight regiment