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随着中国汽车行业的日渐崛起,汽车零配件企业呈现出百舸争流、千帆竞发之势。从最初单一加工农用运输车车轮到研发生产七大系列1000多个规格型号钢圈产品,从生产低附加值产品和粗放式管理的小企业到拥有诸多发明专利和实用新型专利的国内同行业首家上市企业,20多年来,兴民钢圈伴随着汽车行业发展洪流,一路乘势而上。以“兴我中华、造福于民”为企业宗旨,以振兴民族工业、助推中国梦为己任,始终走在行业前沿,为一方百姓谋福祉,为行业发展尽全力。兴民钢圈坚持内外并举的发展之路,立足国 With the rising of the Chinese auto industry, auto parts and components companies are showing a trend of competition and the development of thousands of sails. From the initial single processing of wheels of agricultural vehicles to the development and production of seven series of more than 1,000 specifications and models of steel ring products, from the production of small value-added products and extensive management of small companies to many domestic inventions with patents and utility model patents In the past 20 years, Hingmin Steel Wheels has accompanied the rapid development of the automotive industry and has been riding on the trend. With the purpose of “prospering China and benefiting the people”, the company aims to revitalize the national industry and promote the Chinese dream. It has always been at the forefront of the industry, seeking benefits for the people on the one hand and making every effort on the development of the industry. Xingmin Steel Ring adheres to the development of both internal and external development, based on the country
“For today’s China cotton textile industry,weak demand is still one of the main factors affecting the development of industry.”Recently,this publication repo
医药企业跨界,核心优势是医药企业的医药背景,当这种优势渗透到其他行业,嫁接到其他产品上的时候,这种跨界创新产品往往就会带上“医药背景”的烙印,也会具备某种功能化产品特点。而对于功能性的产品,无论是一支牙膏、一个化妆品,还是一个保健品,功能的传播都是最基础的,也是最根本的。  功能是医药企业市场跨界的核心优势体现  医药企业为跨界产品注入了某种功能特性,这种功能特性成为医药跨界产品最具差异化的核心竞
Q:In 2015,is“twelfth live-year”ending battle,both in economic environment and industrial small environment are facing especially difficult circumstances,to da
Q:What’s the company’s economic situation so far?Under the complex economic environment this year,there’s a slowing growth on production,export,investment,do