Studies on the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss among musicians of traditional Chinese opera

来源 :白求恩医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsqcn
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The incidence of hearing impairment in musicians of traditional Chinese opera is higher than that in popular music and rock and roll music. The sound levels of different instruments used in traditional Chinese opera measured acoustically showed drums, gongs and cymbols to be hazardous to the ear. The conventional measures of prevention, such as ear plugs are not acceptable by the musicians because of interference to the musician’s hearing acuity. A rearrangement of the seats for the musicians was suggested by the authors, the percussive musicians should seat themselves one meter lower than the other musicians. Animal (guinea pigs) experiments by study of AP in EcochG and ul-trastructural observations of the cochlea have confirmed that our suggestion for prevention of noise -induced hearing impairment to be efficient. The incidence of hearing impairment in musicians of traditional Chinese opera is higher than that in popular music and rock and roll music. The sound levels of different instruments used in traditional Chinese opera measured acoustically showed drums, gongs and cymbols to be hazardous to the ear. The conventional measures of prevention, such as ear plugs are not acceptable by the musicians because of interference to the musician’s hearing acuity. A rearrangement of the seats for the musicians was suggested by the authors, the percussive musicians should seat themselves one meter lower than the animal (guinea pigs) experiments by study of AP in EcochG and ul-trastructural observations of the cochlea have confirmed that our suggestion for prevention of noise -induced hearing impairment to be efficient.
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我于 1999年 10月 11日至 10月 30日 ,应德国西北德音乐学院校长、著名作曲家瑞德先生和管弦系主任、著名大提琴教授格尔冈女士的邀请 ,赴西北德音乐学院进行了为期两周的学
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