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天同证券有限责任公司前身是1991年5月成立的山东证券公司,当时注册资本金1000万元。后几经合并重组、改制、增资扩股,2001年7月13日,经中国证监会核准,山东证券正式更名为天同证券有限责任公司,注册资本金增至20.36亿元,并被划定为综合类证券公司。天同证券拥有营业网点82家,覆盖山东,遍布北京、上海、深圳、厦门等全国大中城市。公司现已形成了以经纪业务、投资银行、证券投资、资产管理、网上交易、债券业务、研究开发等业务为支柱的门类齐全、协调发展的经营体系,建立健全了适应市场的现代企业制度,奠定了长远发展的坚实基础。近几年,经纪业务交易量连续进入全国券商前十名,投行承销家数连续两年排在券商前十名。2002年,实现股票+基金交易量1137.96亿元,名列全国券商第9 Tiantong Securities Co., Ltd. was formerly established in May 1991 in Shandong Securities Company, the registered capital of 10 million yuan. After several mergers and reorganization, restructuring, capital increase, July 13, 2001, approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shandong Securities was officially renamed as the same day with the securities company, the registered capital increased to 2.036 billion yuan, and was designated as Integrated securities company. Tien-tung Securities has 82 business outlets covering Shandong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen and other large and medium-sized cities nationwide. The Company has formed a complete and harmonious operation system based on the business of brokerage, investment banking, securities investment, asset management, online trading, bond business, research and development and other businesses. The Company has established and perfected the modern enterprise system adapted to the market, Laid a solid foundation for long-term development. In recent years, brokerage business volume into the top ten brokerages in the country, investment bank underwriters ranked the top ten brokerages for two consecutive years. In 2002, the transaction volume of stocks + funds was 113.796 billion yuan, ranking the 9th among the national brokerages
研究香港瓜馥木Fissistigma uonicum生物碱类化合物的抗肿瘤细胞活性.采用硅胶、ODS、MCI、Sephadex LH-20等多种柱色谱及制备型高效液相色谱等现代分离技术对香港瓜馥木的化