,Origin of modern humans in East Asia: clues from the Y chromosome

来源 :中国高等学校学术文摘·生物学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kulahai
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East Asia is one of the most important regions for studying mode human origin and evolution. A lot of efforts have been made to detect the genetic diversity and to reconstruct the evolutionary history of East Asians, especially using Y chromosome genetic data, in recent years. The Y chromosome data supports the African origin of mode humans in East Asia and the later migration to East Asia through the southe tropic coastline route, and then the northward migration occurred, leading to peopling of the main continent. The genetic data of the Y chromosome reflects a clear prehistoric evolution and migration course of East Asians. As well, the Y chromosome data of East Asians provides clues to elucidate mode human origins and evolution in the neighboring regions, i.e. America, Oceania and the Pacific Islands.
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